Baby? (part two)

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I jump into my car and go as fast as I can back to my house.

I'm pregnant. I have a human, inside of me right now. I look at my stomach when I'm at a stoplight. Oh my God.

I finally make it back to my house after 20 minutes of driving. I unlock the door and head straight upstairs to Mark's recording room without setting my stuff down. I reach for the knob, but I hear him yelling at his computer. As usual.

I then just sit silently with my head against the door, listening to him talk to the audience.

"You robots wouldn't understand! You don't understand us! You don't understand humanity! You don't understand anything! Who the heck are you?" he's so dorky. But I love him.

I really hope he doesn't overreact to this. I really want him to love our baby. Wait, what am I saying? Of course he will. Mark is going to be a fantastic father. He's already so loving and gentle with all other kids. And he loves babies.

I quietly laugh remembering some of the times with just random babies in public. They always just wanted to get away from him though. "I guess they don't like died hair." He says and we both laugh. I hope he's the same when it comes to his child.

"So that is all for Job Simulator for now. That's the Office Worker of course. And there's more versions of Job Simulator in the game, but let me know if you guys want to see them and let me know what other virtual reality games you want me to play on the VIVE in the future. Thanks again everybody so much for watching, and as always, I will see you, in the next video. Buh-bye!"

I then hear hin stop recording and I hear clicking. He's done. I stand up and take a deep breath. Here we go. I twist the knob and open the door. I see him behind his computer, and when he realizes I'm in the room he stands up.

"Hey baby. Where have you been? You left your phone here."

"M-Mark, there's something I need to tell you, and I think you should sit down."

"Is anything wrong? What happened?"

"Will you just sit please? Its kinda urgent."

"Will you at least sit down with me?" He says in a playful tone. Dork.

"Yes of course." we both sit on the bed.

"Okay, what's up?" Am I really ready? No going back now.

"W-well... Uhm... I went over to Taylor's today, and told her about how I'm stressed out and why you might not go to PAX East. She did help me solve one thing though."

"Oh? And what's that?" he asks, smiling and leaning in.

"Why I've been feeling so bad lately." his smile disappears and he leans back.

"Oh God, what is it? Is there something wrong?"

"N-no Mark... Well... She gave me a pregnancy test." his eyes widen. "A-and... Mark... I'm pregnant." There. I said it. It's out in the open. He looks at my stomach, then back up to my eyes.

Where is this going?

He let's out a shaky sigh and his eyes tear up. "We... You're..." realization hits. "OH MY GOD!" He stands up and takes me in his arms. "We're going to be parents!" he then let's tears fall. "Oh my god! I have to tell Ryan and Matt! And Jack and Felix and Bob and... You're serious?!" I nod my head and let a laugh out.

"You're pregnant! We're..." He looks into my eyes. "I'm a dad." He puts his hand on my belly.
"And you're a mom. And we're parents! I... I have to go tell the boys." he then runs out of the room and I can hear him yelling "I'M A DAD!" I laugh and fall back on the bed.

I was worried for nothing. I should've known. He loves me. And he loves our baby.

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora