Cursed Island (p2)

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"We just got checked in. And we don't really need a car, so we didn't get one. I had no idea that the island was so small!" my dad exclaimed as I finally make it to them.

"Yeah. That's... Yeah." I'm still watching Mark walk off along the beach, taking his time with his hands in his pockets, the light breeze blowing his fluffy hair all around, but he doesn't seem to care. I randomly wonder what it would feel like running my hands through it. Would it be as soft as I imagine?

"Hey!" my mom suddenly snaps a couple times in my face to get my attention. I blink and shake my head, all the while a huge smile plastered across her face.


"I can tell you like him. He seems nice." I blush.


"What? I haven't even met the guy and I can already say with 100% belief that he is better than Grayson." I stared at her. Maybe she's right...

No. I can't just leave Grayson after all we've been through... I mean... I can't...

"Whatever. Lets just get to the hotel and unpack. We'll be here for a while anyways."

We walk to the hotel in silence. I try not to think about Mark or Grayson on the way, and when I get there, I fail to focus on unpacking my things. What am I going to do? I am staying here for 3 whole weeks. What am I supposed to do? Avoid handsome boy that kissed me until we leave? Do I just give up on Grayson? I hardly even know Mark, and yet I feel more loved in the 5 minutes he's talked to me than in the 2 years I've been with Grayson.

I froze.

Mark did in a number of minutes what Grayson couldn't manage in 2 years. What does that mean? It means that Mark is... Caring. And funny and thoughtful. All of those things are what Grayson is lacking in. I rub my eyes with both hands and lay down on one of the beds. What am I supposed to do? I must have wondered that aloud, because my mom responds.

"About what?" I move my hands from my eyes and prop myself up on my elbows, which I then remember I fell on and lift it back up.

"Mom, I need advice." she claps her hands.

"Yay! Finally you come to me. Ask away." I chuckle.

"Well... Okay, so that guy you saw me with on the beach earlier, his name is Mark. He's quite handsome and kind and... His hair is..." my mom raises an eyebrow. I clear my throat. "Anyways, I was thinking, and Mark makes me feel special. Loved. Like... Like he's known me his whole life and he would do anything to protect me. And... I feel like... Like Mark loves me more than Grayson does. And Grayson had 2 years to get his shit straight, and he never did, and probably never will. So... I just don't know what to do." My mom sighs and crosses her legs.

"Honey, I've always told you that I've never liked Grayson, and I never will. He's got a temper, and I can tell he's not exactly what I would call 'boyfriend material.' And... If this boy that you just met makes you feel better than Grayson did, then I think that 1. You should break up with Grayson. And 2. Get to know this Mark guy some more. Just don't jump right into a relationship that you're not ready for, okay?" I smile and nod.

"Sounds good, but I kinda feel bad breaking up with Grayson over text or call." My mom giggles.

"He deserves it. It's his fault for being a di- Well a jerk. He never had deserved you, or really anything." I think about it.

"Do you really think that I should not do it face to face? I just can't help but feel like that's wrong."

"Fine. You can just talk to Mark when we're here, ignore all things from Grayson until we get back, and then get rid of him ASAP. You can just tell him that your phone dropped in the water or something."

"Thanks mom. That helped a lot." I stand up, wanting to go talk to Mark again.

"No problem hun, anything to get rid of Grayson." I nod.

"Yup. Imma go see Mark okay? Or do you think it's too soon?"

"I'm sure he won't mind." she winks. "Have fun!" she yells as I close the door.

Maybe I'm moving too fast. Maybe I should think this through a bit more... No. My mom confirmed it. And I believe it too. This is okay. I nod and start the short walk to Mark's.

I was too deep in my thoughts to see Mark sitting on the beach, with legs outstretched and leaning back on his arms. I must have sounded like a complete freak, muttering to myself about boys. I suddenly hear his laugh.

"Y/N over here!" he almost yells, making me blink into reality again. "Come too see me so soon eh? I'll admit that I was thinking about you." he smiles as I make my way to him. He gestures for me to sit next to him with his arms, and I imagine him saying something like 'your chariot awaits.' I land on my ass rather ungracefully and sit the same way he is. "I'm glad we think the same. I'm so impatient."

"Yeah me too. What are you doing down here?" he sighs and looks out to the overcast dark ocean.

"Thinking. Well actually I can't say that. I'm not really thinking about anything. Just enjoying the sounds and the wind." he turns back to me with a little smile. "Why are you down here, might I ask?"

Why am I down here? That's a fabulous question that I have no clue how to answer.

"Well... Its kinda a long story." I look up at the clouds and try to think of where to start. Or if I should even start. He sits up and crosses his legs and shifts so he's in front of me, apparently interested in whatever I might say. I giggle. "I take it you want to know?" he nods enthusiastically. "Alright... Well I guess I should start off by saying that I have a boyfriend." I can see a drastic change in Mark's demeanor. He scoots away a bit and trys not to look at me. "Well I clearly have good news for you. I'm going to break up with him." his eyes light up again. "And... Well you made me feel loved. Like I was the only thing important in the world. And my- my ex had way more time than you did to make me feel like this, but he never did. This island... I just love it, because it opened my eyes. And tell me to shut up if I'm wrong or if you disagree, but I really like you. And, I know that we just met, that's why I came down here to get to know you and to-" I am cut off by Mark's lips crashing against mine, as if my breath was the only thing keeping him alive. It felt like he needed me.

He is basically laying on top of me and one of his hands is on my face, the other around my waist, holding me against him. His eyes are closed and his glasses softly poke against my cheek. I warm up to the kiss eventually and close my eyes. I feel his lips soften and he sits up with me. I run my fingers through his hair, with him smiling into the kiss as he brings me closer. His hair is soft. Like pinfeathers between my fingers. After what seemed like forever, he pulls away and kisses my nose, then smiles and says:
"That was the first thing that you should know about me. I don't like hiding my feelings. And I'm glad that I don't have to. Ever again."

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat