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Thank you to @RoseChemicals for suggesting this one! I hope you like it!

Have you ever said something to someone that you thought you meant at the time, but afterwards, you realize just how stupid you really were? Its a horrible feeling really. When you just know how badly you fucked up? I hate that feeling.

That's why I have never fought with anyone. At least not out loud. Then, I met the love of my life, Y/N. She annoys the hell out of me, but I love her with all of my heart. That is the reason I'm driving to her right now, with a boquet of roses. We had a fight yesterday, and well, I'll explain it.

I have been dating Y/N for a while now, and we bicker sometimes, but I never expected anything like yesterday. I'll start at the beginning of the day, when she woke me up.

"Mark. Wake up." How sweet right? "Get up." I rub my eyes and squint up at her out of tiredness.

"What? It's Saturday isn't it? Why am I awake at-" I glance to the clock. "4am?! What the hell Y/N?" It's at this moment that I realize that her lamp is on, and she's holding something.

"What's this?" then it becomes clear to me.

"Love, I-"

"Save it Mark. They're messages to another woman. What else is there to say?"

"No no no." I say as I sit up. "You've got it all wrong. That's-"

"Fuck off. I'm not putting up with your bull-"

"Y/N!" I force myself to tell. She freezes. "That's my damn cousin." Her demeanor changes.

"Y-yeah. Sure. I've heard that before."

"Seriously? You don't believe me?" Now I'm actually mad. "You honestly are accusing me of cheating on you? What the- you think I'm that much of a jackass?" I ask, frustrated. She crosses her arms.

"How am I supposed to trust you?"

"What are you doing looking through my texts anyways?! It's like you were expecting me to cheat on you!" She looks away. "Seriously. Making me out to be the bad guy when you're the one with trust issues." I shake my head and stand up. "If you really loved me and knew me, you would know that I would never cheat. I guess you don't." I push my way past her and grab my clothes. I walk back to her and yank my phone from her hand. She stays silent as I leave. I slam the door and pull my pants on. I don't bother to put my shirt on, I'm too angry for it. I grab my keys next to the door.

"Fuck you!" I hear a shout as I open the door. I clench my jaw and turn around.

"Shut it! I don't want to hear anything from you. You make me feel like the world's biggest asshole, and then you have the audacity to curse at me?!" She stands silent once more. "Don't ever contact me again. I'm tired of your bull-" I cut myself off, and turn my back to her. I slam the door as I stomp to my car.

Somehow, as I pull away from our house, I start to cry. All the emotions welling up inside me all come pouring out: frustration, anger, annoyance, sadness, tiredness, and pain. How could she? I realize that my grip on the steering wheel is turning my knuckles white, so I try to calm down and ease my foot off of the gas to slow down to the speed limit. As the tears stream down my face, I look down at my phone. Fuck.

I grab it and speak into the phone: "nearest hotel." It pulls up about three, and I choose the middle one, and honestly, the most expensive one. "Might as well pamper myself." I stop at a stoplight and memorize the few directions to get there, and go when the light turns green.

I see the big neon sign in front of the hotel as I park. I grab my things and walk in, partially calmer than I was when I saw... Her last.

"Good morning sir, do you have a reservation?" I'm greeted rather warmly by the receptionist.

"No, I'm afraid I don't. What do you got last minute?" I lean on the counter as I rub my eyes. I hear her typing away on the keyboard.

"How long are you planning on staying sir?"

"Mm I dunno. Couple days. We'll say three." I put my hands over my eyes to block the light.

"Turns out we have a suite available for the next three days. Would you like that?"

"Yeah sure. Thank you. How much?" I take my hands away from my eyes and pull out my bank card. She tells me the amount and I pay, and then she gives me the room card and the room number. I thank her and head on my way. Before I'm even to the room I take my shirt off, honestly not caring who saw at 5am in the morning. I unlock the door and toss my shirt down. I put my phone, keys and wallet on the nightstand, and take my pants off. I drop my body on the bed and I'm out like a light in a minute flat.

The Next Day
"Knock knock knock! Housekeeping!" I hear a high pitch, too-happy-for-9am voice at my door. "Do you need any housekeeping today sir?" I internally groan.

"No-" I try to shove the tiredness out of my voice. "No ma'am, not at this moment!" I say loudly enough for her to hear me.

"Alright, no problem, have a nice day!" I then hear her walk away, so I relax. I let out a sigh as I remember why I'm in a hotel. I put my arm over my eyes, trying to will myself back to sleep.

After about 5 minutes of doing nothing, I realize that I won't go back to sleep. I groan and sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes. I look over to my phone, and thank God that I left it upside-down on the table. Should I even check? I steal a glance at it again. Probably.... I sigh in defeat and reach for it.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Uhm, hello?" I say to the door.

"Mark." Oh hell no. I stay silent. "It's me. Please let me in." Oh God. I don't want to let her in. "Please."

"I... Why should I?" I say loudly enough for her to hear. How did she even find me?

"Because... I... I know I fucked up. Bad. I don't expect you to forgive me." she stays silent for a second as I stand up. "I just wanted you to know that I truly am sorry." I'm close enough now to hear her put her hand on the door. "I'm sorry I blamed you for something that you would never do. I guess I was just... Scared. Scared of losing you. I couldn't stand it if someone else knew what it was like to love you like I do..." She whispers as I lean my ear against the door. "I love you." I open the door then. Her head is down, but soon she looks up in surprise.

"I love you too." She takes the step to me and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry." she says into my chest as I feel her warm tears against my skin. I rub her back slowly.

"Its okay. It's okay. I promise." I whisper. "It's okay."

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