•World Mental Health Day•

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"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to a shorter, more serious video." Mark begins, wanting to leave his audience with a message that they could have faith in. "So, as many of you know, the tenth of October is World Mental Health Day. This day is, to say the least, very important not only to me, but to a great many of you guys." He runs a hand through his hair. "Today is not just about those of us who have been open about mental health and comfortable with talking about it. Today is about those of us who suffer silently. Those of us who, for one reason or another, can't reach out to anyone or are too scared to." He smiles at the camera. "And we need to remember, that's okay. Being frightened of what the world may think of something you've kept secret the whole time is justified. But, what I don't want anyone to believe is that they're alone." Mark sighs. "I promise, I swear on my life, you are not alone. No matter the struggles you may be having, or how dark it is for you, nothing lasts forever. I know how hard it is to sit there in silence when everyone else around you seems so happy."

Looking away from the camera, Mark sighs again, pondering how to phrase all that he wants to get across.

"No one is happy all the time. No one. No matter how positive they may seem, I guarantee that there is something weighing on them like never before. But, the thing is, they don't let it affect them. This life is short guys. And I figure, why spend it being sad?" He shrugs. "There will, and I say this with full confidence, there will be a better and brighter day ahead." He shuts his eyes for a moment, running his hand through his hair again. "I believe in each and every one of you. And you, you specifically, watching this or listening to this, you're beautiful. You've made it this far in life. You are alive today. You might not be happy today, but that's okay." Mark smiles.

"We all have bad days. Even bad months- hell- even bad years. And given, I don't know exactly what you're going through, or all that you're suffering with. I don't know. Just like no one knows all that I've been through. We have all been through the bad times, but also the good times." He chuckles. "All that I'm asking is that you guys keep fighting. Keep going. Look ahead. The future- your future- is brighter than any of us could possibly ever imagine."

"Remember, if no one else in your life seems to care, or doesn't believe you when you try to confide in them, or even if you're silent about how you feel, I care about you." He points at the camera. "Yes, you. Specifically, individually, and beautifully you." Mark shakes his head. "I would be sad if you were gone. I would cry if you hurt yourself. I don't want you to feel alone, through anything you're going through. There is help- there is support. And even though I might not be physically capable of being every single person's therapist, as much as I want that with all of my heart, there are people in this community that will welcome you with open arms." He sniffs, taking a moment to reassess the point of this video.

"If nothing else, remember that you're not alone in this battle. You're not a bad person because of your mentality. To quote Dan Howell, 'I am everything that I am, in spite of this thing constantly holding me back.' You're still human. We all have struggles." Mark smiles again, shaking his head. "You are all loved. If by no one else- by me. Every single one of you guys matter to me. After all, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you all." He looks up at the camera. "Have faith that your happiness is on its way. Maybe it just got a little lost." Mark laughs, and brushes his hair out of his face. "Alright guys, that's all I wanted to say for today. You all matter and you are loved. But anyway, thank you guys so much for watching, " Mark speaks gently with a genuine smile. "and I will see you, in the next video." He waves. "Buh bye! Bye! I love you!"

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