•Learn The Meaning 3•

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This one's not so much about Mark & Y/N, it's kind of a resolution of Tucker (if you read the last two anyway)
I still really like this part and I hope you do too :)
Happy Valentine's Day 😘


Mark unlocks his door quietly, arriving back about an hour later. He shuts it and locks it, yawning as he does so. Looking down to his watch, he hums, seeing it was 10:04, running his hands through his hair. Mark had the time to think about just what he agreed to with Tucker, half regretting it and half happy he could keep an eye on him, truly not wanting him to act out again. However, this also meant that Mark was committed to talking to Tucker often, wondering how he was going to juggle not, as Sandra said so lovingly, 'chopping his dick off.'

He made himself empty his mind as he sets his keys down, taking his jacket off. Emptying all except Y/N, that is. Mark hums, looking around. Y/N wasn't where he left them, figuring they were in the bathroom. He kicks his shoes off, going over to his fridge after grabbing a cup, getting ready to go to bed with his cup of water. Mark starts to take off his shirt as usual, but is unsure if Y/N was completely comfortable with the idea of that, keeping it on for the time being. He pushes his glasses up on his nose, opening his bedroom door and coming to the side of it, setting his water down. Mark glances to his bathroom, but the door was open to his surprise, making him frown. Did they leave? He looks back out to the sofa in confusion, until he notices a figure curled up under his blankets, smiling in relief. Y/N was sound asleep, quietly in their slumber, Mark tilting his head to look at them.

He looks away for a moment then, deciding to change into his pajamas. Mark pulls his shirt off quickly, taking his pajamas into the bathroom and changing behind the door in case Y/N woke up. He brushes his teeth and brushes his hair because he felt like it. Mark goes back out to his bed then quietly, tiptoeing to Y/N. He wasn't sure if they would be comfortable with sleeping in bed together, and he didn't want to jeopardize what they had. But it didn't stop him from gazing at them, slowly getting onto his bed, laying on his side just to study them. He smiles, biting his lip at their quiet breathing, eyes tracing their lips, nose, cheeks, eyelashes, everywhere. Mark lays on his hands, just enjoying being next to them for a moment.

Y/N turns over then, arm falling over Mark, making him freeze. They pull themselves closer, hand grabbing at the fabric of Marks' shirt. Mark gulps, staring down at them. Y/N was still sound asleep, but hugs him tighter, sighing against him. He slows his breathing, carefully reaching up and taking his glasses off, moving behind him and setting them on his nightstand. He couldn't resist it, sleeping with them in his bed; he could feel butterflies in his stomach at how cute they looked sleeping, gently wrapping his arms around them. Mark presses his lips together happily, leaning down and kissing their forehead.

Mark didn't realize he fell asleep so quickly, spending another night with Y/N. The next morning he told them he was still keeping a bit of contact between himself and Tucker. Y/N- understandably- was wary about it, letting Mark explain more before they gave judgment. He told them that he simply didn't want to see another person hurt by a drug-induced Tucker, and they both agreed that they didn't want Tucker to overdose or drive or anything while he was under the influence of anything, eventually agreeing that this was the best decision. Of course, the others didn't quite agree, but Sandra won them over by boosting Mark, telling them it was a really smart thing that Mark did. Plus, Tucker deleted their numbers and left the group chats. He wasn't exactly fighting anything, agreeing to what Mark asked of him without arguing.

Then, it was a month or two before anything really happened again, everything was pretty good. Cecy had begun moving in with Sandra, Y/N and Mark were focusing on each other, falling more into love as the days passed. But Mark began to notice different things with Anele and Kei. Kei wouldn't show up as often, even sometimes when he told Anele he would come, causing something of a wedge between the couple. When Kei did come, he would just stare off, not even listening. He used to at least listen to their conversations, just not participate. But something was changing in Kei, Mark knew, he just hoped whatever he did, he didn't hurt Anele. Something was clearly off with Kei, they just couldn't figure out what. Mark just tried to focus all of his energy on Y/N, taking them on dates and spoiling them, and just finally sharing his love with them. Everything was going well all things considered. Mark was beginning to think that Tucker forgot about him and was completely spiraling into the world of drugs again, until one night, just as he was about to get into bed with Y/N.

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