·Teach Me·

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Thank you to @karatemollie for a phantastic suggestion! And thank you for reading!

"I dunno Mark. I've had all bad experiences with-."

"C'mon. Try it. I'm sure it won't be as bad as other times. I'll make sure you enjoy it." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist. "After all, it will be with me." He rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah... I know that when I'm with you, it's gonna be fun." I turn around and hug him back.

"Go upstairs and get changed, alright? Then after you're done, come on down." He kisses my cheek, and ushers me upstairs. I smile back at him and go to our bedroom. I go to the closet and pull out the clothing I've never used, and put it on. I giggle because I've never seen myself in this.

I make my way down the stairs. Mark is at the foot of them, and his eyes go wide as he takes his shirt off and gazes up at me.

"Wow. You should wear that more often..." he trails off. "Anyways. You ready?" I nod but I feel major butterflies in my stomach. He takes my hand. "Hey... We don't have to do this if you're scared."

"No. I need to get over this. I want to." I regain some confidence. "Time to do what I've been scared of for so long..." Mark smiles and guides me outside.

"I really do like that bathing suit on you. You look gorgeous." he shuts the sliding glass door behind us. I gaze at the glistening pool, ready to conquer my fear. (YA LITTLE NASTY)

"Thank you Mark... But do you really think you can teach me how to swim?" I bite my nail.

"Yes. Its very simple as long as you stay calm and trust me." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and places it near the door with no possibility of it getting wet.

"Okay..." I step cautiously towards the edge and look at the moving water. I go to the steps of the pool and stand on the 4ft side until Mark just dives in on the 8ft side. I roll my eyes. Once he surfaces next to me he he takes my hand. "Show off..." I mumble.

"Duh. Now give me your other hand darling." I nervously give him my other hand. I'm obviously shaking, and I have no idea why. "Hey." I hear Marks calming voice say over all my screaming thoughts. He tilts my head up to be eye level with him. "I'm here. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." I let out a breath as I feel my nerves being soothed.

"Okay." I say as he pulls me slowly out into the water.

"You're not gonna feel the ground in a second. You just push yourself upwards with your arms and kick with your legs." I keep my feet on the ground as long as possible, standing on my tip-toes. I will myself not to panic, and shove off. Mark lets go of one of my hands and I attempt to push myself up with it. "Kick gently. Like this." he shows me how he's staying afloat. "And you're not trying to shove the water. Just trying to keep your head above it." I try to listen to him, and steady my limbs like his.

"Am I doing it?" I ask. He laughs

"Almost. I'm going to let your other hand go." My heart rate shoots up.

"Uh- okay... But if I start drowning, promise you'll save me?"

"Yes of course. You're good." I feel his fingers slip away and then I'm alone. My arm copies the other, and then I realize I'm not dead.

"I'm floating!" I yell in surprise.

"Hell yeah you are!" Mark cheered. "But unfortunately, you're not swimming." When he mentions that, my smile disappears.

"Thanks a lot Captain Buzzkill."

"You're doing amazing. The hardest part for you is gonna be going under." I go quiet. "All you have to do is hold your breath and close your eyes. Release your breath slowly, but don't breathe again until you come up. Then you use your arms and legs to propel you."

"I'm gonna drown." I say more to myself.

"No you're not. Just follow my lead." He takes a deep breath and ducks under. I see his watery figure move below the surface. I swallow. He resurfaces and places his hands on my waist. "You can do it. Take a breath." I breathe in deeply. "And go." I shut my eyes tightly and plunge under the surface. "Swim!" I hear him scream. I flail my hands and kick my legs. Next thing I know, I'm moving. I almost let all the water pour into my mouth. I keep moving until my hands hit the wall, and I surface. I scream out of joy.

"Mark!" I move into his arms and he hugs me tightly.

"You did it! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!" he pulls back enough to see my face. "Although I'm kinda disappointed." That kills my mood.


"Because I didn't have to give you mouth-to-mouth." He giggles.

"I mean, I don't need to be revived, but I think I deserve some kisses."

"Yes ma'am. But can we get inside. I'm freezing my ass off." Marks words make me realize that so am I.

"Shower?" I suggest.

"Yes please."

I conquered my fear. I learned how to swim. I didn't die! (Let's end this right now!) I beat my past self. And it's all thanks to Mark.

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