•After All This Time•

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"Can you head to the main office for me? These papers need to be filed and processed today, " Y/N nods taking the folder in their hands. "Oh- and can you send Blackwood in here when you leave please?" He asks kindly, Y/N humming.

"Yes sir, " Is all they respond, dipping their head in respect before exiting, shutting the door.

It was nothing more than another boring day at work, files and badges and clearances that Y/N was getting only slightly bored of. They were used to it as this point, actually finding all the antics rather amusing, stepping out of the elevator.

"Coming back today?" The receptionist asks, liking to know who would be coming back so she could hold messages for them.

"No, I don't believe so. If it's that one construction company we've been trying to reach, forward it to my cell, okay? Everything else just take a message please, " They ask, smiling at her.

"Got it. Have a nice day, " She hums.

"You too, thank you, " Y/N pushes the doors open with a sigh, crossing their arms from the cold.

"Going to your hubby?" A voice makes Y/N jump, stopping in their tracks, looking toward it.

"Oh. Tayler. No, I'm meant to be bringing some paperwork to the main office actually. But Mark is probably there yes, " They respond, stepping closer to Tayler just to get out of the street. Tayler was basically the office bitch, known for her promiscuity and 'fuck off' attitude. Her long golden curls spill over her shoulders, wearing a black cocktail dress to work for some reason, a cigarette between her red-inked lips.

"Hm. You don't know how naive you are Y/N, " She says in a sing-songy voice, blowing smoke toward Y/N, making them cough a little, waving it away.

"What does that mean Tayler?" They ask, Tayler laughing her pretty laugh.

"Proving my point. No wonder Mark doesn't love you anymore, " Y/N blinks, scrunching up their face.

"This isn't a very good attempt at trying to take him from me. I know you like him, but he's my husband. What kind of decent woman tries to be a homewrecker?" They ask gently, a sort of amused smile on their lips.

"Oh hun, I don't need to try. Mark and I have been talking for months now. He doesn't know how to break it to you that he wants a divorce. Guess he wants someone better, " She smirks, brushing her hair out of her face. Y/N gets a gross feeling in their chest, trying not to show that they were cringing.

"Why are you so ruthless? I know for a fact Mark would never cheat on me, I will never believe this from anyone but Mark himself, " They try to stay kind, staring at Tayler as she chuckles.

"Oh God, it's just sad at this point. You need proof, you poor thing?" She pulls her phone out swiftly, showing the messages, but Y/N doesn't look too closely, not reading anything except it was his name at the top of the screen. "He tells me all about how fed up he is with you- you're not enough for him anymore Y/N, face it, " Tayler still tries to show the messages, but they shove her hand away, shaking their head. They turn, beginning to walk away again. "Really? You're still going to grovel? Your love is a fraud! He doesn't love you- and you'd be stupid to go back to him-"

"Well, maybe I am stupid then!" Y/N shouts as they snap back to her, forcing away the tears. "I'm stupid! Because I'd rather be with a man I trust and love than believe some toxic bitch who only wants him for his money!" They couldn't handle it anymore, turning from Tayler and immediately getting into their car, turning the music on loud enough to not hear whatever Tayler was yelling after them. Furiously wiping tears off their face, they try not to kill themselves on the road, driving carefully as their anger turns into utter sorrow, sobbing openly. Their hands shake and it hurts their throat to even breathe, wanting to collapse in a ball and never be seen again.

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