•Trucks & Tenaciousness•

715 20 7

"Mark, just drive!" I shout at him, making him close the passenger side door. I shut my eyes tightly, trying not to focus on the pain, and the constant wonder if the baby is coming in this instant.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'll go. Just, take deep breaths. Here, " He takes my hand in his. "squeeze my hand if you need to. It's okay." Mark says in a panic as I feel his truck start to move. I keep my mouth shut, but my mind filling with a million expletives. "Its okay, I promise. You're okay. We're okay." I nod vehemently, clenching my teeth together. I don't want to speak, for fear of screaming out in pain.

"God- please hurry Mark!" I squeak out, digging my nails into his hand. "I feel like the baby is-" I gasp, feeling something unfamiliar. "Mark- stop the car."

"What? Y/N- we need to get you to the hospital-"

"Mark stop the bloody car!" I yell, and he quickly obeys. "Mark, I think the baby is coming right now."

"Oh, God- okay- do you want me to call 911?" I shake my head.

"No. No, Mark, the baby's going to come right now." He keeps the car running, but unbuckles.

"Uh-uh- ok- we will be ok- ok?" I feel his hands on my knees as he turns me towards him, and I feel myself start to already get weak.

"Ok- ok- Mark, I'm-" I scream as I feel the baby start to move. I hold back the urge to curse, and dig my nails into the seat.

"Oh-" Mark whispers something under his breath. "Okay- you're right- I'm glad we stopped. It's going to be ok. The baby is coming right now." He puts emphasis on 'right now.'

"Mark- I feel like I'm going to pass out-"Marks' hand's stroke my knees as he shakes his head.

"Its ok, Y/N. I promise, if you're going to, its ok, everything will be okay." I nod, letting out another cry. I've never been one to be able to handle a lot of pain, and this is like no pain I've ever felt in my life. "Okay, I'm going to need you to push, okay? Try just once-" I dig my nails into the seat hard as I do what he asks, pushing with all of my might.

"God- Mark- why do I already feel so exhausted?" I feel a few tears stream down my cheeks, and I shake my head. "I can't pass out- I can't- the baby needs me-" Another pain goes through me, and I grind my teeth together.

"Y/N. Don't fight anything- I know this is hard- just try to relax as much as possible. I know it hurts- if you can't take the pain- tell me-" I involuntarily scream, and feel myself getting light headed as I push again. Much to my surprise, I start to see stars in my vision.

"No- no- I can't..." I trail off, blinking at Mark. I watch as my eyelids slide shut, as much as I fought it. No, I can't pass out- I can't I can't I-


"Y/N. Y/N, my love, wake up." A gentle voice beckons. "My beautiful love, it's time to wake up." I feel a hand on my cheek, and it's like the contact is what brought my other senses to life. I hear something faintly beeping, and feel soft blankets surrounding me. I suddenly hear gentle crying next to me, and it dawns on me what was previously happening. I gasp and sit up.

"Mark- Where's-" I feel a hand grasp mine tightly, and I turn to the source. "Oh my-" I clap a hand over my mouth.

"Say hi to mommy." I can't take my eyes off of the bundle in Marks' arms as he stands up, placing the baby gently in my arms. I feel myself shaking and crying and laughing all at once.

"Oh my God- M-Mark- I-"

"Meet Josiah James Fischbach." Mark speaks next to me, and shake my head.

"Oh my- hello Josiah. Oh, my beautiful baby." I have no words to describe how perfect and gorgeous my baby is. Josiah has a full head of black hair like Mark, perfect pink lips and an adorable button nose. He coos softly as I cry. "Oh my God-" I glance up at Marks smiling face quickly. "Wh-What happened- why- what happened?"

"You passed out love. We're in the hospital. We're okay now. Everything is alright." I feel his hand thread through my hair as I stare down in awe at my baby.

"Oh, he's so beautiful Mark. I- I-" I reach one hand out as I turn at the same time, and kiss Mark. "I love you."

"I love you too Y/N. So much." I gaze back at my baby, my heart feeling like it was about to burst at the seams. Josiah James. My beautiful baby. Our beautiful baby.

"Mark, are you going to tell your audience about him?" He hums next to me.

"Maybe soon. When do you think we should tell them?" I grin down at Josiah as his lips turn upwards for a moment, looking like a smile.

"Well, maybe we should wait a few days. I don't want to just stick a camera in his face on his first day of life." I run my fingers through his hair gently. "He's so perfect Mark." I feel him rest his chin on my head.

"He is." I turn to look up at Mark again, and he smiles down at me happily, surprising me by leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. Pulling away, his thumb runs over my lips gently as we share an indescribable smile.

"I love you, Mark." Slanting his lips across mine once more, he chuckles.

"I love you too."


"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to a very, very special vlog for today." Marks' voice is heaven to my ears as I rock Josiah back and forth gently in my arms. "As many of you know, Y/N, my wife, was pregnant." I hear him laugh, bringing a smile to my face. "Well, our baby was just born three days ago, and I'd love to introduce you. But first, I assume you're all wondering what the gender is." I bite my lip as he pauses. "I am very happy to announce, that our baby, is a boy!" I hear him pause again, and he breaks into a fit of giggles. "Ah man, I think it's about time to introduce you to our beautiful baby boy. I'll let momma reveal his name." I take that as my cue, walking in front of the camera.

"Hey, guys! I'm so incredibly happy to introduce Josiah James Fischbach." I turn him around slightly to look at the camera. "He's seriously the biggest blessing we've ever had in our entire lives." I smile over at Mark when I realize he wasn't even looking at the camera. He grins at me, chuckling. "I love you, Mark." I say quietly, and he steps to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him, kissing me sweetly.

Even after the mess that was Josiah's birth, we still love each other. I'm eternally grateful that I could depend on Mark to be there for me when both me and our love needed him most.

Credit to ravenkicks for this one!
I hope you all enjoyed!

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