Protect Me (Part Two)

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"Y/N... Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Forever to hold and to kiss and to love. Please. Be Mine."

"Mark. Of-of course I will!"

"Y/N. Y/N I need you to wake up for me." my eyes open wide, then blink a couple times, adjusting to the lighting. I see Mark inches away from my face, and I scoot back a little, my cheeks flushing slightly as I remember we were in the same bed.

"Mark? What time is it?" he chuckles.

"It's only 9, don't worry. I made you breakfast and it's getting cold." I love his voice this early in the morning. It sounds deeper and smoky.

"Oh thank you Mark. I will be out in a sec." he flashes a smile once more, then he shuts the bedroom door as he leaves. He nearly gave me a heart attack.

I rub my eyes and force myself to stand up. I stretch my arms above my head, and grab my brush next to my bed. I brush out my hair, attempting to make it look reasonable, and failing. I shrug and put it up in a bun. I throw a sweater on and brush my teeth before I go out.

I find Mark rushing around the table, seemingly 'fixing' things that he thought were out of place. I can hear him talking to himself quietly.

"Don't fuck anything up you asshole. Well knowing me I will. I mean. Jeez I didn't even get anything to drink, numbskull." and other whispered swear words and self notations.

As he turns back around from the cupboards with two glasses in his hands, he finally looks up at me and stops mumbling. Instead, it's replaced with a soft smile. He sets the glasses down without paying much attention to the setup anymore.

"Um, what would you like to drink?" I glance at the table and see he made biscuits and bacon.

"Do we have orange juice still?" he nods.

"Yes indeed we do." he turns to the fridge and grabs the orange juice. "Here you are." he doesn't really look at the glass until he is already pouring it, somehow making it into the cup. He looks at me in that short moment, and yet that makes me feel like a little girl again, with her elementary crush, and looking away every time he looks at me or catches me staring.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he finishes pouring and looks over his glasses at me with concern.

"Nothing." I say, looking down again and biting my lip on the inside.

"Are you still scared?" Oh that's right. My ex came to the apartment door last night and threatened us.

"Yes. A little." I sigh. He walks over to me and hugs me. "Why are you always so warm?"

"Why are you always freezing?" I feel him move so his head is resting on my shoulder. "I know this is a super weird thing to say right now, but you smell really nice." he laughs onto my skin.

"That is kinda weird, but you smell like coffee and jasmine." he lifts his head as I look up at him. I notice that he really does smell like coffee, and he probably already had a cup. It dawns on me how close we actually were, and I chew on the inside of my lip. It's a habit. He looks down at me and, somehow, I can tell that he's staring at me. Not my body. Not my flaws. Just. Me. His eyes wander my face, like he was reading his favorite book for one final time; attempting to memorize every last detail. My body heat rises just from being near him. Mark's eyes finally makes their way down to my lips, and he cautiously leans in, as if this was a dream. I close my eyes.

Bang, bang, bang! On the (hotel) door. My eyes open and I jump away from him. Mark is clearly stunned, and I see him get flustered.

"Um. The door." he awkwardly readjusts his glasses as he unlocks the door. Mark's demeanor changes as soon as he sees who interrupted us. "What are you doing here?" he asks, his voice still deadly yet quiet.

"I'm here for Y/N. What else?" next thing I know, Mark is shoved out of the way and my ex is walking towards me. Instantaneous fear plummets from my brain to my stomach.

"No, get away from me!" I go around the table, trying to get as far away from him as possible.

"Why so scared? I'm not gonna kill you." he shows his yellowed teeth. "Just gonna touch you, and you will love it." A barrier is then formed between me and him.

"Over my dead body." Mark hissed.

"That can be arranged faggot."

I don't remember much of what happens after that. Punches were thrown, and I started crying. When I looked up from my hands, I see Mark throw a punch that causes blood to come gushing out of my ex. He collapses to the ground in a fit of yelling.

"Now you will leave." Mark's dangerous voice cuts through. "And you will leave peacefully and quietly. And you will never, and I mean never bother us again. Do you understand?"


"I said do you understand?" he barked.

"Y-Yes." my ex says, holding his face.

"Good. Now get the fuck out of here, before I throw you off the damn balcony."

My ex scrambles up and rushes out the still open door, slamming it on the way out. Mark let's out a shaky sigh, then looks to me on the ground.

"I'm so sorry." he sits down with me and puts his hand on mine. "I'm so sorry." is all he says, his chest still heaving. "I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay. Everything is fine. I'm not going to leave you. Not now. Not ever." He looks into my eyes. "I promise."

Those were the words that he said to me everyday for the rest of our lives.

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