·I Don't Love You·

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"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The man's lips go to mine for the ceremony as everyone claps. Only a few people in the crowd know what is happening, and the one's who don't are overwhelmed with joy, either that I am finally married, or that he is finally married.

At last he pulls away, and I resist the urge to wipe away the kiss from this man I don't love. We both turn to face our families, and I see a few tears from people. I see my mom glare at me for a split second as I rip my eyes away. I feel Mark take my hand, and we walk down the aisle as people keep clapping.

"I'm so proud of you Mark." I hear someone whisper from his side. We sit down for the reception to start, as people file in after us.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I can tell something is wrong." he whispers into my ear so no one else can eavesdrop.

"Its fine." I snap and pretend to smile. He just sighs and looks away, also trying to feign happiness.

Alright, let me explain why I'm acting like the devils child. I don't love the man I just married. Let's just say, it was the more refined version of 'forced marriage.' My parents are a couple of rich lovers that 'want the best for their only child.' But they are probably the worst parents ever. They have forced me to marry this man, with no love. Otherwise, I would no longer be part of the family. Ever again. I would be left to fend for myself, basically a homeless person. My parents are ruthless. I've dealt with shit like this my entire life, and honestly, I've been contemplating suicide. All thanks to them.

I've had depression ever since I could remember. I've never really had friends, so if I was shunned from the family, I would have no one to go to. So, when they first met Mark, they knew they had found the perfect man to marry me off to.

And don't get me wrong, I really like Mark. He's a sweet guy. But I hate him, simply to piss off my parents. I feel bad that I have to take it out on him, but he shouldn't worry too much. I'll probably be gone in a month or two.

"Congratulations babes!" One of Marks friends cheers as she walks past. He tips his drink to her and takes a small sip. The night passes by in the blink of an eye thankfully, and Marks mother somes by.

"Hey baby." she kisses us both on the cheek. "You are so pretty. Good choice Mark." She winks at him and pats his shoulder, then she's gone. A few moments of silence pass, and he clears his throat.

"You know she's right." I raise an eyebrow at him. "You are very beautiful."

"She said pretty. Not that I even am." I say matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry." He replies.

"Time to go lovebirds!" I hear a shout from behind us, and I see a car pull up, with "Just Married" written on the back window. I smile at them, and Mark takes my hand as we walk together to the car, and he opens the door for me. I gather my dress and sit in the car, waving goodbye to the people watching. I hear Mark climb in next to me, and we both wave bye as we pull away. I let out a sigh of relief, now that I can drop the act. The car we're in is separated between the driver and us, so he can't listen to us.

"Are- is- I'm-" he stumbles over his words, and it's clear that he is nervous. I almost have a pang of sympathy, but I know that my mom will find out.

"Mark." I say to get his attention. "It's fine. Just, please stay silent for a bit." I shut my eyes and lean my head back.

"Alright..." he says quietly, and I realize that I'm holding his hand. I pull my hand back, and move the hair out of my face. Time passes quite fast, and the car comes to a hault. Mark opens the door for me and helps me out.

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