Chapter 47

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"I honestly dont think we need a new branch considering nothing is going on." I say through the phone addressing my advisor. "Not until everything calms down."

The phone gets snatched from my hands and I hear the call been ended.

"You need sleep baby." Hands grab mine and she pulls me up the stairs.

I run my hands over my face trying to clear my head. I've had this nasty headache all day, but refused to take anything for it.

"I'll go get you some water, just relax."

I take a seat on the bed and nod.

We've been together for about a month now. And yes, we made it official. There wasn't too much hate but of course the media quickly released articles giving me the title of Ariana's ex. If I'm being honest, I'd rather be called by who I really am. Heck call me Mr y/d/n daughter and have me live under this shadow. Anything but under hers.

*Time Skip*
The sound of whimpering woke me from my slumber. I roll over finding Christine holding onto her stomach.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I quickly sit up and turn her face so she was looking at me.

"My stomach hurts that's all."

I turn the lights on then make my way back to her. Placing my hands on her forehead then under her neck.

"You have a fever. Think you're gonna be sick." I say climbing beside her once again.

"You think?"

Her attitude instantly switch.

"Damn mama relax. I'm tryna help you." I tell her shocked from the sudden out burst.


I help her into the bathroom so she could throw up.

"We have to get you to a doctor." I check the time on my phone. "When it's not 4 in the morning."

I pull her hair back holding it from hitting the toilet and rub her back.

"Its okay baby, let it out." I whisper to her.

After letting her get everything out I clean her hands and mouth. "Okay let's get you to bed baby."

She nods and I help her up and into bed. "Tired?"

She nods and rests her head on my chest. Placing tiny kisses on her forehead and wrapping my arms around her I whisper a few words into her ear.

"I love you baby, itll be okay."

We ended up watching the Lion King and just talking. I was currently on her chest, cuddled up under the blankets. She'd hiss and groan every one in a while but I made sure to leave kisses all over her face until that frown turned into tiny giggles and I was told to stop.

"Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes. I have an idea." I place a few kisses on her stomach then ran down the stairs.

*Christine's POV*
Y/n is the sweetest person ever. She got a house a few weeks back and I've literally been here most days. It's hard to stay away from her.

I have no idea what she was doing but knowing her its probably an attempt to make me feel better.

I've been feeling sick for a while, and her company somehow helps with the pain. I dont know if I want to go to the doctors tommarow, it's been a few days now since I've felt like this.

I have to take a pregnancy test just incase. I dont know what to think, I could be pregnant and I could not be pregnant. I dont know if shes even ready for a kid. Shes so young, we're so young. I know that financial issues wont be a problem for us. But I know nothing about kids. If I'm pregnant, I have no idea how I'm going to tell her.

I start feeling hot so I remove the covers with my feet and lay my head against a pillow.

The door is pushed open and she walks in.


She quickly walks over and pull me into her chest. I start crying because I had no idea what to do.

"Let's get you down the stairs."

She makes me into her arms while I'm holding onto her for dear life. Clinging to her body and sobbing into her shoulder.

"Its okay baby, I got you."

She places me down on the table and grabs some gummy bears.

"I built us a fort. I dont know what's wrong but I promise I'll always be here for you babygirl."

I'm about to ruin her life with this baby. So I nod and eat one of the gummies. I'll be happy if I'm pregnant, but I really dont know what this means. I do hope I'm not pregnant, but if I am, I know I'll be the best mom I can be.

*Your POV*
Her stomach hurts this bad. Damn. I want to take this pain away. I place my hand over her stomach and give it a rub, but she breaks out into sobs again.

I pull my hand away but wrap them around her waste.

"Shhh it's okay baby, I'm right here. Itll be okay."

Period pain? That's the only explanation right?

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