Chapter 8

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My eyes open slowly and I close then back. The morning sun shines brightly through the curtains lighting up the room and I had to adjust. I rub my eyes softly then reopen them. I look around, I'm in a room that I'm not too familiar with but I have seen before. I shuffle a bit but my moments stop when I fell an object on me. I look down and she her snuggled tightly on my chest. Her chest raising and falling and a slow pace. And I then remembered what happened last night.

I dial Ariana's number in hopes that she would be free. I just wanted to be as far away from here as possible. I didn't feel too good and the crowded inside wasn't helping. I've been drinking all night so I don't know where this is coming from. Ariana didn't pick up. Not surprising since she doesn't answer random calls. I need a way to get her to reply to me. I start thinking of the easiest way.

"Is everything alright?" I look over at Christine who's looking at me worriedly.

"Uh y-yeah, I just can't get the person"

She offers me a drive home but I tell her to take me to an address. She nods and we get in her car. I give her the address and she drives there. During the drive I could see her stare at me often but everytime I looked her way she quickly turned her attention to the road. I wanted to ask her what but instead I just dropped it.  We reach the apartment and drive up to her gate. I smile warmly at the security and he let's us through. After all I've been here everytime she's free so the guard knows me. Christine helps me from the car and I knock on her door. She opens it and her eyes drift to me.

"Oh my God y/n are you okay?!" Ariana stretches her hands out and I pull myself from Christine and into her arms.

"I'm fine, just wanted to come see you. You missed my Graduation" I look at her and I swear she's the most beautiful person in the world.

"Thank you for helping her get here"

I look at her confused then look her way. Christine was still there, shoot I forgot about her. They talk and I just stare at the older woman in front of me. I giggle unexpectedly and she looks at me.

"You okay?" She asks softly.

I nod and respond after. "You're very pretty Ariana"

I watch her cheeks go red and she blushes widely. "T-thank you. You're very beautiful too princess."

I hear someone clear their throat and Ariana's head snaps behind me again. I sing and put my head on your shoulder.

"Thank you so much again, I would die if something would've happened to her" Ariana flashes a smile. I can tell cause I feel her jaw move.

Christine leaves right after and Ariana closes the door. She leads me straight into her bedroom and I follow willingly. She sits me on the bed and remove my jacket. I watch her as she careful unpin all buttons the placing it on a chair in the corner. She helps me takes my shoes off.

*End of flashback*

I must have fell asleep right then cause I don't remember anything else. I yawn then place my hands around her, she look so peaceful and I don't want to ruin that. I lay there thinking of her. What it would feel like to call her mine. I have feelings for her and it's obvious she has feelings for me. It would be easier if she told me then me telling her but somehow one has to say something.

I shyly rub my thumb along her back and softly kiss her forehead not knowing what to do. I just go along with anything that comes to mind when I'm around her, I do what I'd like to be done to me.

She shuffles and mumbles something before holding on to tighter. I smile widely at the thought that she's comfortable on my body. He head rises slowly and I continue to stare at her too busy thinking about how adorable she is to realize. Her eyes meet mine and my face goes red. If I lead in my lips would be bare centimeters from hers. I feel my heart rate pick up with the thought.

She stares longer than she intended cause once she had caught up with herself I see she climbs gets off of me. I frown because of the lost of warmth but cover it up with a smile.

"Morning princess" she whispers and I feel butterflies. Her morning voice is to die for and I can't help wanting that to be the first sound I hear every morning.

"Good morning" I smile and she returns it.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Really good, thank you Ari" you tell her bravely.

"You're welcome" i thought that was it until she was done but she spoke again. "Who was that girl?"

I look at her puzzled. Girl? She must have seen that I'm confused. "From last night?"

"Ohhhh" she nods and stay silent so you continue. "Christine."

"And she is?"

"A girl I met one night. She's a wonderful person with a big heart. Actually we've been talking for awhile and her persona-" I stop when I see something flash across her face.

"Um, is something wrong?" I stare at her wanting and answer.

"No not at all. I'm hungry. I'm starving actually. Are you hungry? U should be. I'll go make something" she says at once and quickly gets out of the bed. She leaves the room and I run my hand through my hair.

"Well fuck" I mumble and make my way from her bed. I straighten her bed and make my way down the stairs.

I look around her apartment floor and see all her seven dogs. Wait... Eight, Nine? I count them and see two new ones. I know Toulouse, Coco, Pignoli, Fawkes and Myron. Recently got to know Ophelia and Lafayette. Oh and Sirius. But they're two pups on the couch that I don't know. I walk over to the the pups and see smallz with them. I pick up the pig and walk over to the kitchen where she is. "New dogs" she nods and continue doing whatever she was doing. "Names?"

She turns around and smile. "I adopted them the other day. They're absolutely lovely. The cutest things in the world"

I pout and she frowns right after seeing it. "I thought I was"

She giggles and kisses my nose. "You're unbelievable y/l/n"

"Oh so I'm not cute?" I follow her into the living room.

"Um... You're cuter than cute" she grins and at her statement.

"Well played Grande" I clap slowly. "Well played"

"Shut up stupid" she sits in the couch and i gasp loudly. I proceed to hold onto my heart. She drops her hands on the couch and shakes her head. "You're my stupid."

I blush and sit next to her. "Ari what are we?" The question have been on my mind and I just to know.

She looks down at her manicured nails and avoid eye contact. "I don't know y/n. I'm not sure about anything right now."

I nod understandingly. It hurts that she doesn't know what she's feeling. We act like a couple but we aren't. I just hope I'm not some fling for her.

"So, c-can we talk about our feelings. Cause I feel something for you, a-and you feel something for me right?" I need to know, I have to know. I know I have feelings for her, I know she feels something. Why can't it work?

"Can we just forget it?" I shake my head at her words. I can just forget it.

"Please, I'm not ready for this. I need time to think about me and tour. Princess please" she reaches out and holds onto my hand.

I nod again. This time I decide to change to topic because I know what I want. I want her and I'm getting her. Slowly but surely.

"So who's the two pups?"

She smiles softly and I let the pig down. She picks them up and hands me one. "That's Lily and this is Snape."

"And you named them from what? And when did you rescue them?"

She tells me about the pups and I take a shower. Finding clothes to fit me wasn't hard cause it's Ariana. And her clothes are way bigger than her. I settle for some sweats and gray thank you, next merch top. Since that's the only thing that she was other than sweaters and hoodies that can fit. After that we eat and spend the day together.

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