Chapter 26

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(short chapter)

"See you after the show?"

"Love you." She says and plants a kiss on my cheek before running on stage.

The fan aren't ready for this! No one is. She's fucking fire and you don't wanna get burned.

When raindrops fell!


I turn around to see my family and friends. "What are you guys doing here?!" I ask giving them all hugs.

"Couldn't miss it. Your lady flew us in. She's wonderful."

I blush immediately. I know my baby is perfect as fuck.

"Plus she's richer than all of us combined!" Courtney says walking over and hugging her boyfriend.

"Let's go watch her yeah?" I ask cheerfully.

"Fuck yeah!" Jess screams then receives a slap for swearing infront of  my siblings.

*Time skip*
"Babe!" I grab my girlfriend and kiss her. I tap her ass causing her to jump and wrap her legs around me. She's sweaty but those lips are on her and I want them. After a deep kiss I let her down. "You killed it!"

"I did?" She asks. I raise an eye at her. "I mean of fucking course I did."

The whole team walks into the dressing room.

"That's how it's done!"
"Fuck yes!"
"No one's ready for this leg!"

Ariana giggles and I pull her more into my side and kiss her cheek.

"Who's hungry?!"

Everyone cheers and I grab my wallet from her dressing room then intertwine our fingers and kiss her hand. She smiles and glances at me earning a smile from me. We arrive at the nearest fast food restaurant. Occupying 2 whole tables. We order quickly.

"So how was it?" Ariana asks.

"It was wonderful dear. You seem to love what you do." My mom replies.

I watch her head shoot up with a smile across her face. I didn't hear anything after that. Too caught up thinking about the girl right beside me. Her smile and laugh was the most beautiful sight. The giggle. Don't ask me where she got it from but it's the best sound ever. I should thank Max for wanting to go the park. Her eyes... The ones I get lost in so often yet so easily. Deep brown mesmerizing eyes. Addicting lips and when she licks them ooooo-la-la! Like let me taste them please. Pink and soft. Soft hair, beautiful skin. Adorable feet, it's crazy but she has beautiful feet. Legs to literally die for. Small and warm comfortable hands. Not to compare her to something non-living but she's like that new car, you're happy once you see her and with her feels right. Or like that smooth road when you just get off the gravel. Ariana has that homey touch that makes you comfortable. Understandable human being with glam. Considerate, self loving feminist. Funny, acceptive, observant. If that's not perfect then nothing is. She's the rainbow after the rain and the rain after a drought. The blue sky after a storm. She's open to new possibilities some that surprises people. That's everything I ever wanted and so much for. I can't help smiling when I think of her. Her confidence and live for people is what stands out.

"Babe?" I get called back into reality. I look over at her.

Her eyes search mine. I know she's curious and worried. I smile at her.

"I'm okay, just thinking."

She doesn't seem convinced but she drops it. But I know that's not the end of it. Later she's gonna press me for answers about why I was zoomed out. She nods.

And that's exactly what happened. Once we ate and payed. Well Ariana payed for everyone's meal. I didn't try to stop her knowing I couldn't. But Dad tried to, let's just say he failed to persuade her. As expected from everyone else.

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