welcome to the family (requested)

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"Babe?" Rosie called out as she walked through the door. "I'm home! Where are you?" She asked as she looked around the rooms downstairs, only to find them empty.

Climbing the stairs, she hurried up them and down the hall. She was excited to see you after her busy day, so it felt like she couldn't get there fast enough!

When she stood in the doorway she saw you curled up in bed with your back facing her. She smiled to herself and tiptoed to you, ready to relish in the sweet sight of you asleep and the butterflies that were bound to fill her chest.

Only, when she crept around, she noticed you weren't sleeping alone. A small grey kitten was curled up to you. With its head on your arm, its eyes closed as you both slept peacefully.

The sight was certainly sweet and heartwarming, but she had a lot of questions about where that cute kitten came from.

She laid her hand on your back and carefully shook you awake. The kitten let out a soft meow but continued to sleep on your arm while you suddenly lifted your head and stared back at Rosie.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How was your day? Where'd the kitten come from?"

You looked at the kitten, smiling as you pet it.

"I was out for a little fresh air today. I found it. It wasn't in the best shape and it really wanted attention. It looked so hungry and so I went to the store and I got it some food. I couldn't let it go. It just kept curling up to me."

She had to admit that the kitten sure was adorable. It was small. A defenseless little animal that needed and deserved love and a good, warm home.



You looked between her and the kitten before looking at her with sad eyes.

"I wanna keep him. Please? It needs a home and I don't have the heart to give him away."

She just stared at you and said, "I had a feeling you were gonna say that." She chuckled, resting out to comb her fingers through the kittens soft, grey fur. "Yeah, we can keep him."

"Thank you!"

She moved closer so she could hug you and you could still hold the kitten close.

"He is awfully cute," she admitted. "Welcome to the family, little buddy." She smiled, watching your eyes light up as you stared back at the kitten. She had to admit - she already loved him too.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now