you have a stalker (requested)

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The sound of glass shattering on the kitchen floor startled you awake.

You looked at the clock on the nightstand and found that it was only three-fifteen in the morning.

Part of you wondered if it was Rosie, but you remembered that she spent the day in practice and couldn't make it over tonight like originally planned and ended up crashing at home instead with the promise of making it up to you tomorrow.

It wasn't her and, for a moment, everything was still and quiet and you wondered if you dreamt it somehow. You put your head back on the pillow, only to sit up at the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

Your heart began to pound against your chest. You reached for your phone and began to panic at the thought of someone being in your house.

To your horror, you realized the footsteps were approaching your bedroom. You quickly swung your legs over the bed and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom with the phone in your shaking hand.

"There's someone in my house." You whispered to the operator on the phone as you quietly closed the bathroom door and turned the lock.

Your heart was beating so hard, so fast, that you almost couldn't hear anything over it.

But then, to your absolute terror, you heard a voice say,


Whoever was in your house knows your name. They know who you are. It occurred to you quite quickly that this was no random break-in.

Rosé has worried about things like this happening. Since your relationship came out, you've gained a lot of attention.

Some good, some bad.

The good being the fans who reach out and look out for you, send you and Rosie endless love and support, both as individuals and a happy couple.

But then, there are people like this. People that form unhealthy obsessions; whether it be that they're infatuated with you because they like you or they hate you.

Honestly, right now, you're not sure which of those scare you most. Because this person is in your house. They stepped foot on your property, found where you live, and came to give you an unwelcome visit for whatever reason, and you're absolutely terrified.

You kept quiet. The operator on the phone was doing the same as you told her as quietly as you possibly could that they were in your room, getting closer and closer to where you were hiding out at.

You held your breath and squeezed your eyes shut in fear as the footsteps approached the bathroom door.

"Y/N? I know you're here. Your car is in the driveway. You didn't leave your house today."

There was a lump forming in your throat and it felt like you could barely breathe. This person knew you spent the day in your home, resting on your first of a few days off.

They've been watching you.

"Can we talk?"

Your heart felt like it was gonna burst out of your chest. You've never felt so terrified in your entire life. You kept focusing on the operator promising that help was close, only a couple of minutes away now.

But when there was someone in your house, someone possibly being there to harm you, and someone who knows your every move - a couple of minutes feels like an eternity.

"You've been ignoring my messages that I send you through social media. You never see me. But I'm always watching. I'm your biggest fan."

You wanted to curl up into a ball, fearing that they were gonna bust through your bathroom door. They have to know you're in there.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now