I believe in you (requested)

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You laid on the bed on your stomach with your notebook spread out in front of you.

Rosie was gently brushing her nails along your back as she laid there quietly beside you, scrolling through her phone since you needed a little peace and quiet to focus.

She listened to you hum quietly to yourself and she lifted her head to stare at you with a sweet smile. She's extremely proud of you and your hard work. You're trying your hardest to follow your dreams.

You share the same passion - music.

The only difference is Rosie is part of the biggest girl group in the world while you are struggling to land your own big break.

She likes that you refuse to turn to her for help in any way. You want to achieve your own success on your own and she admires you greatly for that.

It looks like it's paying off because you're starting to get some offers from people.

You're taking time to consider your options and, in the meantime, you're working harder than ever on your music; writing more songs, and creating more demos every day.

She stared back at her phone, texting Jisoo back as her phone vibrated quietly with a message from her.

But her text to Jisoo was actually forgotten about momentarily, only making it halfway through the sentence, because you screamed in frustration and tore the pages in your notebook apart.

You crumbled each piece you've written in today and tore them to shreds before throwing them onto the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey," Rosie said as she scooted up to you.

She gently took the notebook from your hand before brushing her lips on your shoulder for a soft kiss.

"It's okay." She comforted as you started to cry a little. "What is it, baby? What's going on?"

"I can't do it." You mumbled and tangled your fingers through your hair. "Nothing is coming together. I'm so frustrated! I've been working so hard lately and I can't get more than two lyrics down before the idea fades from my mind."

She pulled you into her arms and rubbed your back soothingly.

"You're overwhelmed and overworked."

"I can do it, Rosie. I know I can. If I could just stop being so stu-"

"Don't even finish that sentence." She interrupted as she cupped your cheek and gave you no other choice but to look into her eyes.

"I know you can do it too, y/n. You're so smart and so creative. You can do anything you set your mind to. That I know."

You sniffled and then let out a shaky breath.

"But you're overworking yourself. You're writing all day every day and you're low on ideas and that's okay. It's writer's block, it happens to everybody. You're the smartest girl that I know. I know it's only a matter of time until you finish those songs and write up new ones and wow everyone with how insanely talented you are."

You chuckled a little as her words gave you a little confidence boost.

"But you can't be so hard on yourself. Days like these are going to happen. There's nothing wrong with you. You're just pushing yourself a little too hard."

"I guess you're right." You sighed. "I just have so many opportunities ahead and I don't want to blow them."

"You won't. Look at how many people want to sign you to their label and want to be part of your journey as a singer and a songwriter. You've got so many people in awe of your talent, me most of all."

You smiled brightly at her, warming her heart.

"You can relax a little knowing that. Don't push yourself so much. It takes all the fun away from the process, right?"


"So, just relax. You're doing great, baby. You always do."

"Thank you, Rosie." You said as you felt the weight on your chest lift.

She gave you a quick kiss before pulling away. Her bright eyes locked with yours as she brushed her thumb along your cheek in soft circles.

"I believe in you. never forget that."

You hugged her tightly, dropping your cheek onto her shoulder with a contented sigh.

"Can you help me? Maybe we can write a song together."

"That sounds like fun. I'd be happy to!" She grinned and opened the notebook again, grabbing her own pen as you laid down together and began to think of different lyrics and melodies together.

Putting your heads together did a lot of good. A couple of hours later, your song was completed.

It was your favorite of all. A sweet love song, written solely by the two of you about the love you share for each other.

You knew it was bound to be a fan favorite in the future when you'd make your decision about who you're going to sign with. You can't wait to play it for the world.

It was perfect.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now