you need her after a bad day

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Your day was utterly awful. From the moment you and Rosé parted ways this morning for the busy day ahead, it seemed that everything had gone wrong.

Starting with small things that put more of a damper on your morning, only inconvenienced you slightly, before it felt like everything was wrong.

All you've been looking forward to is coming home to your girlfriend. You've counted down the hours, though they've dragged by.

You walked inside and loudly slammed the door. Even though the living room was empty, you were certain that the loud sound would get her attention wherever she was at.

But as you slipped off your shoes and took a good look around, you realized that it was too dark and too quiet.

You called out for her but when you didn't get a response back you pulled out your phone and sent her a text asking her where she was at.

She read it only seconds later and replied,

"At the studio. Everything okay?"

You swallowed thickly and found the need to hear her voice impossible to ignore. You pressed your phone against your ear, biting your lip as you listened to it ring twice before she answered.


"Are you busy?"

There was a moment of silence, other than the laughter you heard in the background coming from the girls.

"I'm just stuck in the studio for a couple more hours. Everything alright, my love?"

You bit your lip as you held back the tears stinging your eyes as the sadness became overwhelming.


"Are you sure? You seem... sad,"

"I'm okay. I'll let you go, I don't wanna keep you."

You ended the call despite her protests and fell onto the sofa. You closed your eyes and tried to relax but it was impossible to when you felt empty without rosé there to hold onto you.

You couldn't handle being apart from her any longer. So you grabbed your keys and phone and headed right back out to your car again.

You drove to the studio and practically raced inside. The rushed footsteps and quickly open and close of the door startled the poor people working in the front but they sent you a friendly smile when they recognized you.

You waved back to them, putting on your best fake smile as you walked down the agonizingly long hallway.

You stood outside the door and knocked on it. You bit your lip, waiting impatiently for it to open.

Seconds later, the door opened and Jennie stood in front of you. Noting your sad eyes, she didn't hesitate to give you a little hug and let you inside.

"Are you okay?"

You shook your head wordlessly, ignoring the sad eyes on you that belonged to Jisoo and Lisa as you looked for Rosé.

"Just need Rosé." You mumbled sadly and Jisoo was quick to open the door to the booth and nod toward you.

"Someone needs you." Jisoo said and, right away, your girlfriend was throwing off the headphones over her ears and stepping out of the booth.

"Y/n?" She mumbled, her eyes soft when she noticed your sad ones. "Come here, baby girl." She whispered and opened her arms for you, happily wrapping them securely around you once you were in them. "I knew something wasn't right. I knew you were sad. Do you wanna tell me about it?"

"Just had a bad day." You mumbled against her chest as you buried your face in her shirt.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You shook your head and closed your eyes, focusing only on the beat of her heart and the comfort of her arms.

The next moment or two were silent until Jisoo cleared her throat and said, "let's give them a moment."

Lisa and Jennie followed her out the door and your girlfriend's grip on you grew a little tighter before she walked to the chair with you in her arms. She sat down and pulled you onto her lap and put her arms back around you.

"You're sure you don't want to tell me about what happened? Obviously something happened to make you so sad."

"I don't want to talk about it. I just wanna be with you. I just need you." You whimpered and found comfort in burying your face in the crook of her neck where you were able to breathe in the smell of her perfume.

"I'm right here." She assured. "I'm right here and I won't dare let you go. Everything is alright now. Just forget about everything that happened. I'm gonna hold you tight, give you all the love you need from me and that you deserve. I've got you now, my love."

You breathed out a sigh of relief as you melted into her embrace. You closed your eyes and let all of your worries and stresses fade away completely.

"I love you." You whispered moments later when you lifted your head to look at her. She was already staring at you, sending you the brightest smile as she rubbed your back soothingly.

"I love you more." She said before pulling you in for a soft, sweet kiss. It wasn't steamy or deep; not one that she'd give you to try to bring you in for a make-out session. It was one of love. One she hoped would bring you comfort and one you'd melt into; which you quickly did.

"Feeling any better?" She asked when she pulled away from your lips.

"A little, but only because I'm with you."

"I've got you, baby. I won't let you go," she said and kissed you a couple more times before you placed your cheek on her shoulder and started to melt into her embrace once again.

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