home (requested)

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Rosé jumped when Lisa came up behind her and placed her hand on her back. She glanced back at her friend, seeing the sadness in her eyes before she looked back at her phone.

"I know you're waiting for her to call and I know you don't want to go and perform without talking to y/n, but we've only got twenty minutes before we have to go on stage."

"I know. I'm fine, don't worry." She mumbled but refused to look away from her phone screen. She didn't want to risk missing the call she's been waiting on from you. You call her every night before she goes on stage to wish her luck and let her know you're proud of her.

While she does that, you're always out fighting your own battles. Which worried Rosie. She worries about you every day and every night. Being in the army, you go through a lot more than she does. Things that scare her. And she tried not to let it show, but Lisa could tell her mind was running off to a worst-case scenario.

"I'm sure she's just fine."

"Yeah, Rosie nodded, but she was obviously trying to convince herself that you were fine and not just her worried friend.

"I'll give you a few minutes. If she calls, tell her I say hi."

Rosé nodded and watched her walk out the door before she hung her head. She was deeply saddened, a tear falling down her cheek as she thought about going on stage for the very first time since the night this tour first started without hearing your voice.

She was emotional tonight; missing you more than ever. Maybe it was the anxiety and the need to know that you're safe or that you're her good luck charm and she always feels better performing when she hears your words of love and encouragement.

But either way, before she could even realize it, she was picking up her phone to call you. She tapped her foot on the floor to try to calm her nerves but she stopped and froze when she heard... your phone ringing?

She thought it was some crazy coincidence, that maybe one of the crew members was walking through the hall and they have the same love song that you have set for Rosie when she calls you. But when she turned her head, she saw you standing in the doorway of the dressing room and she gasped softly at the sight.


She got up, tears already swimming in her eyes as she made her way to you.

"I'm so sorry I didn't call you, baby. I wanted to surprise you and I was so close to arriving here at the arena, I knew I'd give it away and, oh!" You laughed as she leaped into your arms unexpectedly.

She sniffled as she buried her face in your neck. Her warm tears fell to your skin, her arms tightened around your neck and soon, she was sobbing tears of happiness, and you found yourself doing the same.

"I'm coming home early, baby." You smiled through your tears as you buried your lips in her hair, kissing the crown of her head lovingly again and again.

You couldn't stop kissing her and giving her all the hugs and affection she so deserved. It's been so long since you had the chance to and you've thought about her every single day, missed her more each one than you did the last. "Are you okay, my love?"

She lifted her head and gazed at you with teary-eyes. But she was smiling at you, giving you that beautiful smile that always makes your heart skip a beat.

"I'm so happy." She whispered. "I've missed you,
y/n. I haven't stopped thinking about you! I've dreamt of this night. I didn't think it'd come so soon but... I'm so happy it has."

You gently put her feet on the ground and dropped your forehead onto hers. Rosie leaned in for a long-overdue kiss but stopped when she noticed the girls standing behind you, phones in hand and tear-stains on their cheeks as they captured the beautiful moment.

"Were you all in on this?"

"No!" They said quickly.

"I saw y/n when I made my way out the door, though," Lisa explained with a big smile.

You put your arms around Rosie's waist and leaned in to kiss her lips. She melted right away, her hands moving back to your neck to pull you against her.

"My beautiful girl..." you whispered and caressed her cheek. "I love you so much. It's so good to be home again."

"I love you, y/n," she sniffled and pulled you in for another kiss, this one longer and a little more passionate than the one before.

But it was sadly interrupted, just as her hands fell to your hips to hold you tighter; if that was even possible.

"Girls," one of the crew members said, coming up behind the girls to say, "It's showtime in five minutes."

They gave you a hug and hurried off to take their positions while you took a moment to admire your girl. Your hand brushed along her cheek and she closed her eyes to lean into your touch.

"I'm so excited to see you shine tonight." You whispered. "My star. You're gonna crush it."

She kissed your palm and started to lead you down the hall. Only when she took her position did she let go of your hand.

"I'll be waiting here for you, cheering you on the whole time!"

"I love you lots," she mouthed and blew you a kiss before the music started and the girls went on stage, feeling even happier than every night before.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now