calling her Chaeyoung (requested)

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The sound of the door opening and closing made you lift your head from your hands.

Rosé let out a sigh as she kicked off her shoes. Finally glancing over at you, she sent you a smile. But when she saw the frown on your lips her smile instantly faltered.

"Everything okay?" She wondered as she sat down beside you. She pulled her phone from her pocket and placed it on her lap before making herself cozy.

"Not really. Don't you remember what today was?"

You watched her eyes move for a moment as she racked her brain, trying time and time again to think back to what today could've been. But all she could seem to really think about was the business the day held.

"Rosé! You were supposed to come home early so we could go out for a romantic dinner! Remember?"

With a sorta sad sigh, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I've just been-"

"Busy? I know." You said and put your hand on her thigh. "You've been busy a lot lately. So much so that we've had to call and cancel these reservations three different times and reschedule for another day."

She shook her head and pushed your hand away. "Let me go take a shower and then we'll talk about it." She said and started to get up.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Was she being serious?

You watched her start to get up, and without even a second thought you raised your voice slightly and blurted out,


She gasped and quickly turned her head to look back at you. She wasn't scared, more startled than anything else. Not by your voice, but by the use of her real name.

You never call her Chaeyoung.

She saw the look of hurt in your eyes and suddenly, everything else faded away. She reached for your hand and grumbled to herself.

"I don't like it when you call me that. You must be really mad at me."

"I'm not really mad. I'm just a little sad." You confessed sadly. "This is the fourth time you've blown it off. I've tried to be understanding, I really have. I get that you're busy and your work is much more complicated than I'll ever fully understand. I know things can come up suddenly or you get sidetracked and forget things. But you haven't even told me you'd be late each time. You just come home tired and tell me we'll talk about it..."

Her heart was breaking when she heard the shakiness in your voice.

"You don't understand. You're my whole world and I don't get a ton of time with you most days because you're busy. One date with you means everything to me. One night for just us. I miss being with you and spending time with you. I miss the way you hold me and you kiss me and you make me feel adored. I miss you."

She took your hand and gave it a squeeze. Your gaze was originally shifted toward the floor, but when you felt her squeeze your hand you looked up at her.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I know things get complicated sometimes but you're still the most important person in the world to me." She sent you a small smile, and it made her feel relieved when you smiled back at her. "I love you and I miss you too." I'm sorry I've blown off our dates."

There was a moment of silence until an idea popped into her head.

"Why don't we go tonight? Even if we can't get reservations at that exact restaurant, we can still find something fun to do and somewhere romantic to go, I'm sure! I wanna treat you. I wanna remind you that you're everything to me."

The last part came out as more of a whisper. She caressed your cheek lovingly and looked into your eyes and at your lips.

"I haven't forgotten. You're still everything to me, too." You assured her. "But, if you're asking me on a date, you know I'll say yes happily."

She nodded with a smile and leaned in to give you a soft kiss. "Okay. Let me take a shower and get ready and we'll spend the night on the town; just the two of us."

Before she could get up you threw your arms around her for a hug. She was happy to reciprocate and to hold you tight in her arms.

"Okay... Chaeyoung."

She rolled her eyes playfully and giggled along with you.

"Love you!" You yelled as she rushed upstairs.

"Love you too! Get ready!" She yelled back, leaving you with a rush of happiness and excitement.

Rosé Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now