you think she doesn't love you (requested)

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This usually isn't a place you'd want to be.

Standing backstage at an award show with idols surrounding you made you feel slightly intimidated. Not to mention the fancy outfit you'd thrown on for today.

But Rosie wanted you to come along to be by her side on this special night. The girls had so much going for them tonight, so many nominations and even a performance or two, and you being alongside her tonight meant the world to her.

She had to step away momentarily to talk with the girls about something important. But you could feel her eyes on you the whole time.

Although it gave you hope and made you feel good, you tried not to think too much about it. Because even though you've been head over heels for her since the moment you met a few months back, you don't think you stand a chance with her. Hiding your true feelings for her wasn't always easy, but you knew it was easier than losing her would ever be.

"Have I told you just how beautiful you look tonight?"

Your thoughts were interrupted by her voice. Her words made your heart flutter and your cheeks heat up.

"Yes," you giggled. "But thank you again."

She nodded, sinking her teeth into her lip as she stared at you with stars in her eyes. You were staring off at other idols in the room, but she was unaware that you were only doing so because every glance at her and every compliment she gave you only made you want her more. She was finding it hard to take her eyes off of you.

"So, I have something I wanna talk to you about."

"Oh," you chuckled nervously. "What is it? I'm all ears."

She stepped closer to you and looked away from you and down to your hand. She was itching to grab it and though her heart was pounding in her chest just thinking about possibly jumping too far too fast, she was so close to taking it. You were slowly inching your pinky finger closer to hers, planning to finally wrap it around her own.

But a voice from behind stopped you both before either of you got the chance to make a move.


You both looked over at Siyeon. Rose let out a gasp and quickly hugged Siyeon close to her. But it wasn't a quick hug. It seemed to linger for a moment and Siyeon's hands soon fell to the small of Rosie's back before she started to whisper softly into her ear.

Your moment with Rosé being ruined was hard enough. But now, seeing this, made any and all hope you'd felt before fly right out the window. It almost seemed like the both of them forgot that you existed, that you were still standing right there.

With a lump in your throat, you pushed past them and started to make your way out of the building. It almost felt like you couldn't breathe. You heard Rose call after you, heard her heels on the floor. You ran outside, in need of some fresh air.

"Y/n! Wait up!"

You ran your hand through your hair and took a couple of deep breaths before turning around to look at her.

"I'm sorry. I'm not feeling good, I think I should head home."

"Hey," she whispered softly, gently taking ahold of your arm.

You ducked your head and bit your lip, trying to hide the tears in your eyes and the cry that so badly wanted to escape.

"You're sad! Are you crying?"

"No, I'm fine,"

"You're not fine, y/n!"

She tried to hug you, but you only kept pushing her away. It hurt to do so. You wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in her arms and for her to hold onto you the way you've always wanted to be held by her. But you knew you'd spill your every thought, your every hope, right out to her and your heart was already aching enough for one night.

"I think I should just go home."

"No! Tell me what's wrong." She pleaded and suddenly, something in you just broke.

Maybe it was the fact that you've kept your emotions bottled up inside for far too long or it was the hurt that came along with seeing her and Siyeon so close, thinking something between them could form and you'd never stand a chance with the girl you loved.

But you turned around to face her. You pulled away from her, watching her eyes soften when she saw your tear-stained cheeks.

"You don't even know..."

"Know what?"

"How much you mean to me! I thought we were finally having a moment back there but," you stared down at your feet, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back any sobs. "I know that it was all in my head. It hurts seeing you so close to someone else. Knowing that it'll never be me."

She went wide-eyed as it all started to hit her.

"I know we're best friends but... I've never just wanted to be friends with you. I've always felt something more for you, something I've never felt before. I've been in relationships, I've had crushes, but you... you're different. I can't even describe the way you make me feel. I've never felt it before.' You confessed before exhaling shakily. "But if you don't feel the same about me... if you like Siyeon that way and not me, you can tell me and I'll understand."

It was quiet. You could only hear her footsteps on the ground as she stepped closer to you.

But then, you felt her hand on your cheek. You lifted your head, your sad eyes meeting her teary ones.

"I've waited so long for you to say that." She chuckled tearfully. "I've been wanting to say that too, but I never knew how and I thought that I'd ruin things between us by saying..." she paused, her eyes locked with yours as her thumb brushed in circles along your cheek. "I love you, y/n."

Your breath hitched and your heart began to hammer. Her eyes were wider than you've ever seen before, a look of worry in them.

"Was that too much?"

You brought your hand up to lay over hers. You cracked a smile before shaking your head and leaning in to kiss her lips.

She was taken aback by your lips on hers, but she melted right into it. Her other hand fell to your hip where she gave it a squeeze and then let go to put her arm around you instead. She held you as close as possible, all while relishing in each and every kiss you shared.

"Rosie," you whispered against her lips.


"I love you too."

She giggled and dropped her forehead onto yours.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that!" She confessed.

"Wait, so what were you and Siyeon speaking about?"

"She was talking to me about our wins tonight and... you. Asked if you were taken."

"And you said?"

"Working on it."

You giggled and looped your arms around her neck. Burying your face in the crook, you kissed across her soft, warm skin like you've always wanted to do.

"I love you."

"Love you." She whispered. "Now kiss me again."

You lifted your head and pushed your lips back onto hers, happy to spend the rest of the night just like this if that's what she wanted to do.

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