you accidentally break her guitar (requested)

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"I'm gonna go grab a blanket then we can curl up and watch a movie together. Sound fun?" Rosé smiled and watched you nod happily before leaning in to steal a kiss from your lips and heading up the stairs.

On her day off, there was nothing either of you wanted more than to spend some quality time together.

With a comeback happening soon and her being busy with interviews and rehearsals and everything in between, it's become hard to spend some time together and to find the time to be able to steal more than just a kiss goodnight.

You turned the tv on and started to flip through the channels when you heard a knock on the door. You walked over and saw a huge package on the porch. Right away, you knew that it was Rosie's custom guitar.

She's spent a lot of time designing it to try to make it her dream guitar. It took a lot of time to make and prepare but you know she was waiting patiently for it to arrive.

You waved to the guy who delivered the package as he pulled away and unable to resist the temptation, you took a peek at the pretty instrument.

It was dazzling, even more beautiful than what your girlfriend probably envisioned it being. With an excited squeal, you got up to take it in, but you ended up tripping over the front porch step and fell to the ground.

The sound of the guitar bashing against the concrete and breaking made you gasp. You looked to find it in pieces, ruined from your clumsiness.

"Oh no-" you mumbled to yourself, just as Rosé shouted for you as she came down the stairs.

"Y/n? What happened? What was that sound?" She asked, only to appear in the doorway with her jaw going slack and a look of anger taking over her usually soft and adoring brown eyes.

"Rosie, I'm so sorry."

"I can't believe this!" She shouted. "What is wrong with you? You know how much I've been looking forward to this and how long I've waited for it! Now, thanks to you, it's ruined!"

You felt so guilty as you stood on your feet and hung your head.

"You're such a klutz! This was so expensive and took so much time to make and now I'm gonna have to get another one made?"

She groaned and dropped the broken guitar in frustration. She tangled her fingers in her hair before looking at you with fury in her eyes.

"This is such a mess! And it's all your fault!"

You nodded, just taking the blows as they came.

It took a moment for Rosé to see clearly through all of her fury. She glanced back at you after keeping her eyes on the ground and saw the look of genuine sorrow in your eyes.

"I really am sorry. I know you're upset but I swear, I didn't do it on purpose. I know you've been so excited about it and you've waited so long, only for my clumsy self to break it. I'm sorry."

"No," she sighed and walked to you. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. It's true, I've waited a while and I've been looking forward to it arriving. But that was no excuse to treat you the way I did and I'm sorry about that. Hug?"

You put your arms around her as she opened them for you. You laid your head on her chest and she laid a kiss on your head.

"Are you still really mad at me?'

"No. I love you too much to stay mad at you, especially when I know you'd never do anything like this on purpose."

"I'll buy you a new one. You can design it just like this one band I'll pay for it."

"That's not necessary. I'll get it fixed. Don't worry about it. Let's put this whole thing behind us. We'll go watch that movie and cuddle and later on, I'll design a new one. But that's the least of my worries when I've been missing my girl and needing some quality time with you."

You smiled a little and kissed her softly.

"I really am sorry though."

"All is forgiven. C'mon, I need some cuddles."

You giggled and leaned your head on her chest as she put her arm around your waist and led you inside to forget about the mess of her broken guitar and focus on you; the most important thing to her.

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