trust me (requested)

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"Bye, babe. I'll be back in a while!" You said after you kissed Rosie's cheek and headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" She asked as her curiosity began to get the best of her.

"Just out with someone for a while! Don't worry, I promise I'll be home before dinner and we can spend the evening together!"

And with that, you were out the door and leaving Rosé with her thoughts.

She stood at the kitchen counter, gnawing at the skin of her lip. This morning has played out like the last three have. You wake up, you get dressed and brush your teeth then head out the door, seemingly more excited to meet your someone than you were to spend her days off with her.

She trusts you.

She really does trust you, but this is the third day you've left in the morning to meet your someone and haven't gotten home till late afternoon or early evening.

It's not the lack of quality time that bothers her... or, at least to an extent. It's more that you seem really enthused to meet up with whoever you've been meeting up with and you're usually out the door before she can ask to tag along.

Her mind ran away from her, jumping to conclusions and her deepest worries and fears. So she slid on her shoes and grabbed her phone and keys before running out the door.

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, but her mood was nowhere near as bright as it would be on mornings like these. She'd managed to catch up to you and follow you down to a cozy restaurant where you and your someone had decided to dine outside in the beautiful weather over some good breakfast and soft music over the speakers.

Rosie was crushed. She turned around, just wanting to head home and watch something to take her mind off of the situation till you got home.

But when she turned she bumped into one of the waiters, knocking the tray of food and drinks he was carrying onto the ground.

This was just her luck. There was no way you wouldn't notice her standing there after the loud clatter of dishes and the sound of her voice as she apologized repeatedly to the waiter.

"Rosé?" You scooted out of your chair and made your way to her and she wished, in that moment, that she was anywhere else but there. "Baby? What are you doing here?"

She tried to think of what to say, but before she could try and rationalize her racing brain, words were spilling from her lips.

"What are you doing here?" She emphasized, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm having lunch with my friend!"

You pointed to your friend at the table. The one who was awkwardly staring at the both of you, overhearing your conversation and sending your girlfriend an awkward wave.

"You followed me here? What, you don't trust me now?"

"That's not it,"

"Then explain it!" You said, stomping your foot on the ground in frustration.

"I don't know, y/n!" She said as she tangled her hands in her hair. "I don't know what came over me. You've just been running out the door these past three mornings and you don't come home till late. You tell me you're just meeting up with someone and I..." she paused, biting the inside of her cheek awkwardly. "I guess I got scared."

"Of what?" You spoke softly, placing your hands on her shoulders.

"That you found someone else."

She stared at her feet, exhaling shakily as her heart started to hammer in her chest when her confession fell from her lips.

"I'm always afraid that the day will come that you'll grow tired of not being able to have a normal relationship. Someone else can give you that, but I won't ever be able to and... I guess I thought you'd found it."

"Baby," you hooked her fingers under her chin, tilting it up so your eyes could lock with her sad ones. "You know I don't want anyone else. We've had our fair share of hardships, but everyone does. Yeah, maybe ours are a little more intense since our relationship is so public. But you should know by now that I'm never leaving you. I don't want anything or anyone else. All I want is you."

Her eyes became soft, a feeling of guilt flooding over her for ever assuming such a thing! She knows you'd never cheat on her, she just let her fears cloud her mind, and she feels terrible for doing so!

"I promise you that I'm not cheating on you and I never would. Nor have I found anyone better, and I never could. Because there's no one better than you. I'd never hurt you, baby. I love you and only you. I'm head over heels in love with you... you're the only one I want to spend forever with."

"I want that too," she chuckled happily. "I'm so sorry for thinking such a thing. I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid, Rosie. It's alright. Just trust me from now on. You can talk to me if you ever get scared like this again. You know I never lie to you and I'll always hear you out."

"I know." She spoke before brushing her lips against yours, pulling you in for a soft, loving kiss. "I'm sorry again. I love you."

"It's alright. I love you too." You promised, sealing it with a kiss. "Wanna meet my friend?"

"I'd love to!"

You nodded and laced your fingers with hers before leading her to your friend.

"Rosie, this is Y/B/F. Y/B/F, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Rosie."

"I know who you are, Rosie! I've heard so much about you! You're all y/n ever talks about!"

Your girlfriend's eyes lit up, a big smile tugging at her lips.

"She's pretty great, isn't she?" Rosie asked your friend, but her bright eyes stayed on you as she spoke. She leaned over to steal a kiss from your lips and whispered against them, "You're the topic of my conversations with all of my friends. Don't be embarrassed, baby. It's cute."

She pulled your chair out for you and helped you in before sitting down beside you, hand in yours the whole time she and your friend got to know each other, and you were all smiles the whole time knowing that your two favorite people were already becoming so close.

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