beautiful just the way you are (requested)

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"C'mon, Rosé. Please come with me." You pleaded as you sat on your girlfriend's lap and gave her your sad pout. "I don't want to go without you."

"I don't like your friends, y/n." She sighed, running her fingers along your back. "I don't like the way they treat you and how they talk to you. It's getting harder and harder for me to bite my tongue when I'm around them and I see how sad and bad they make you feel about yourself."

It was true. Your friends weren't exactly the greatest. But you didn't really have any others, besides Rosie and the girls. So to you, even though they're not all that nice, you have a hard time standing up to them and letting go.

But as much as Rosie didn't want to go, the sadness in your eyes was too much to say no to. Especially knowing that the snide comments your friends tend to make are easier for you to handle when she's around.

So she dropped her forehead onto yours and nodded slowly. "I'll go."

You seemed a little happier upon hearing that. Truthfully, having her around you just makes you feel more comfortable in general. You figured you'd be able to handle it, especially since you were gonna be able to pick out something pretty to wear for the event you get to tag along with Rosé to.

Arriving at the mall only about twenty minutes later, your smile was bright as you stepped out of the car with Rosie. She put her arm around you and you walked through the doors, greeted by your friends right away.

Rosie's strong dislike for your friends wasn't exactly secretive. She's made them aware before with the way she's rolled her eyes or scoffed, or, in extreme cases when they poked fun at you, to shut up and leave you alone. So it didn't exactly take her by surprise that your friends were pretending as though she wasn't there.

"Oh," your friend spoke as she stared you up and down. "Your outfit is, uh," she paused, clearing her throat before flashing you that snotty smile your girlfriend hated so very much. "simple. I see now why she wants you to go shopping for a new outfit for that event."

"You know what," Rosé started to say, but stopped when you squeezed her hand, wordlessly reassuring her that it was alright.

"Don't worry about it, Rosie. I'm alright." You whispered in her ear as your friends started to head off in the direction of the stores you like most. You kissed her cheek and sent her a smile, but she could see the sadness in your eyes and it broke her heart.

But she let it go. She knew this upcoming event is one you're looking forward to attending with her and if you wanted to get something new to wear, she was all for it. As long as you were happy in it.

And she knew that's where the issue lied.

But she walked with you and she followed you into every store you wanted to go into. You found a thing here or there that you didn't mind but ultimately didn't find something you really wanted to wear until a few stores later.

"Rosé!" You yelled excitedly, running into the shop and over to a dress you seemed mesmerized by. "Isn't it so pretty?"

She parted her lips, ready to answer you when she heard your snotty friends chuckle and scoff.

"What now?' You asked, annoyed and a little hurt.

"That's definitely not the one for you, y/n. I mean, no offense, but it's just not the right one for your body shape. It just wouldn't look that great on you."

"Maybe before you buy that one you should go workout a little, y/n."

It hurt to hear and to try to escape from any more comments that only made you feel worse than you already did, you simply hung it up and stared down at your feet.

"I've had enough of this," Rosé said as she dropped your hand and looked at your friends. "I've held my breath for far too long. I've tagged along countless times to shopping and coffee trips when you called y/n and asked to hang out. Every time, there's some snide comment coming out of your mouth's and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of hearing you tear down someone who's supposed to be your friend! I'm tired of seeing her so sad, because of you!"

"She never says anything," one of them retorted, causing Rosé to scoff in annoyance.

"Oh, really? I wonder why. Because you've torn her apart so much she's afraid of standing up to you!" She folded her arms over her chest and confidently said, "But I'm not." She spoke, clenching her jaw as she put her foot down for the first time.

"I'm not afraid to tell you off. I'm tired of hearing you belittle my girlfriend. You pick on her because of her weight, her acne, her clothes, anything that you know will hurt her. I'm disgusted by all of you."

Your friends just scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"You think you're better than her? Better than everyone? You're wrong. My girlfriend is beautiful just as she is. She doesn't need your opinion. If she wants to wear something, she will and she'll do it better than you. Because she's confident and she's beautiful. You're all pathetic for bullying her and for not seeing her worth."

"Whatever, we don't need this. We don't need you,

Rosie chuckled and nodded toward the door.

"Good. Because she surely doesn't need any of you, either. Now leave us be."

She shooed them toward the door and watched them walk out before looking at you. You had tears in her eyes and for a moment, she was worried as to why. That was before you threw your arms around her for a hug; something your friends had never given you, but she was always happy to give.

"Thank you. You said everything I've always wanted to say to them."

"You're welcome. You deserve better than that, y/n."

You pulled away, looking a little sad. "Now I don't have any friends."

"So untrue." She said, poking your sides playfully. "You've always got me. You've got the girls." She reminded you as she laced her fingers through your hair. "You'll make friends, better friends, in time. But until then, you've got lots of people that love and care about you. Promise."

You leaned in to kiss her and just before she got the chance to melt into it, you pulled away.

"I like that dress. Do you like it?"

"Hey," she whispered softly, caressing your cheek as you gazed up at her. "Stop thinking you need approval. You like it, that's all that matters."

You nodded, smiling when she moved her hands to your hips and gave them a squeeze before saying,

"But, just for the record, I do like it and I just know you're gonna look so beautiful in it. I just know I'm gonna be the envy of everyone there that night. Because you're stunning and I'm not the only one who thinks that, and it's time you start thinking that about yourself, too."

You excitedly turned and grabbed the dress off the rack before kissing Rosie's cheek lovingly.

"This is the one! I want it."

"Then it's official; that's your dress now and you're gonna rock it, beautiful girl!" She encouraged as he put her arm around you and led you to the checkout counter to pay for the dress.

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