let me be happy (requested)

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"What do you think they want to talk to us about? I'm a little nervous, Rosie." You said as you entered the YG building, your hand gripping Rosé's tightly in yours as your teeth sank into your lip out of nervousness. "They've never called me down here before."

"I know." She sighed. "I don't know what's going on, but you've got nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me, whatever it is, we'll get through this together." She said and tried to force a smile to hide how nervous she was, too.

But you saw right through it.

She was just as worried as you. In all the time you've been together, you've never been called down to YG with her. The company and the girls are currently the only people that know about your relationship.

She tried to ignore it but there was this tug at her heart, a fear that something had happened. That, maybe, someone found out about your relationship and threatened to leak it. Or, maybe, they already had.

Her mind was busy with different reasons why you'd be called in here together. But she tried her hardest to not let it show, already promising herself that she wouldn't let anything happen to you or your relationship today.

You made it to the room where they wanted you both to meet. You saw the CEO in the room already, as well as a few other staff members. Their eyes were on you and Rosie as soon as you walked into the room. Unamused expressions were on their faces and it made you feel even more nervous.

"Hey." Rosie greeted, forcing a smile. "You wanted to see us?"

"Yes. Please, sit. We've got very important things to discuss." Bokyung said and you took a seat next to Rosie and across from the staff members.

"What is it?" Rosé asked as soon as she was in her seat.

"Well, we need to talk about the two of you," Bokyung replied. "I know that we approved of you two dating, but there have been discussions recently about how serious you're becoming and, well, we don't think you should be together anymore."

Your heart dropped and your hand slipped out of Rosie's, only for her to take ahold of it once more.

"Excuse me?" Rosie scoffed.

"Look, Rosé, you're an idol. You're one of the most loved and most desirable idols in the world. If anything happened, if it ever came out that you're together and you're in such a serious relationship, people would not support that. Your fans would not support it."

"Obviously you don't know them as well as I do."

"Rosie, please just hear us out,"

"No!" She interrupted, taking them by surprise as she banged her hands on the table in frustration. "Look, I don't care what people think or say about me or my relationship. I get it; I'm an idol, people have these ideas that I'm going to end up with them or with another idol, but I don't care! I don't care about their opinions or if they threatened to stop supporting me. I love y/n."

She looked at you and gave you a sweet smile and a comforting squeeze of her hand.

"I know our fans, the ones that truly love us, want the best for all four of us. The best, for me, is y/n. I get that people might not like me as much. I get that I'll probably be the least favorite of the group to some. But... I'm happy. I'm happier than I've ever been before. You all know how hard I've worked. How much I have sacrificed to be where I am as an idol today. Don't you think I deserve to be this happy? Don't you think that I deserve to have someone to love, someone that loves me for me, and not the Rose that they think they know? Don't you think I deserve to have someone to lean on? Someone to keep me safe and protect me just as I would for her?"

They all looked at each other then sighed.

"You're right."

Rosé sighed heavily and squeezed your hand again.

"We know you're happy and we don't want to destroy that but-"

"But nothing." She interrupted. "I'm not a machine. Please, let me have this one thing. Let me be happy, let me continue to fall in love every single day of my life with her. Please stop treating me like I'm a robot all the time. I want to be with y/n. I want to be happy. I feel like I don't have anything without her."

"Okay. You've got it. You know we'll do our best to always protect you and your relationship from the public but if anyone finds out-"

"We'll handle it." She spoke. "Trust me. I'm more capable of standing up for myself and the things I believe in than you think I am. We'll cross that bridge if we come to it. But I'm not breaking up with y/n. Not now, not ever. Understood?"

They nodded and Rosie smiled in satisfaction.

"Okay, good. I think we're done here. If you'll excuse us, I'm taking my lovely girlfriend out on a date now. Have a great day."

She grinned and walked out of the building and back to the car with you, where you stole a few kisses.

"I can't believe you said all of that." You spoke quietly as you gazed into her sparkling eyes, admiring how truly wonderful she is.

"I mean every single word. I love you so much."

"I love you," you smiled and pulled her in for another sweet kiss.

"I told you everything would be okay. You don't ever have to worry about anything like that. Okay? Trust me when I tell you, if our relationship ever came out, that I'd rather lose fans than lose you. I know our true fans will always support the four of us, no matter what. These things will only make us stronger."

You nodded and put your arms around her to give her a much-needed hug and you closed your eyes, thanking all of your lucky stars that you found someone so wonderful; someone you'll never stop loving, and someone who will never stop loving you, either.

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