doctor Rosé being jealous (requested)

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You breathed out a heavy sigh as you took a seat for the first time all day. It's not even one o'clock in the afternoon and you've had way too many patients for your comfort today.

It doesn't surprise you since it's the season when everything is going around. You've been on your feet all day so far, hardly having enough time in between to catch your breath or drink some coffee, which you could use right now.

"Hard day so far?" Your associate, Emma, asked as she put finished logging in another patient's info who just booked an appointment to see you tomorrow.

When you nodded your head, she sent you a sad smile and gave you a squeeze of your shoulder. "I know this won't make you feel any better but... compared to tomorrow, I think today is gonna be one of your easier days."

You groaned at the thought but felt your mood brighten up when you heard a door open down the hall and heard the sound of your girlfriend's voice.

She was walking down the hall, her feet on the floor and her voice, as well as the elder man who booked the appointment for a cold today, got closer and closer.

You waited for her, deciding that since it was your lunch break you should take advantage of that and get some food in your system. You stood up, only for your associate to shake her head and say,

"Sit, y/n, sit. I'll get it for you!" She kindly offered and with how drained you felt and how much you needed to sit for a few, you could only thank her as you sat back down.

She quickly joined your side again, your lunch still in the box you brought it in. You took the lid off and started to eat, reaching for some water after a bite or two, which Emma happily got for you.

Her hand fell to your shoulder, giving it another squeeze when she saw you reading over your schedule for the rest of the day, tensing up at the remaining patients to be seen either sick with colds or needing vaccines, or doing routine check-up's.

"Thank you for the help again, doc!" The man said as he walked out and Rosé almost didn't even catch his words as she eyed your associate's hand on your shoulder lingering for longer than she expected.

"You're welcome, sir. Feel better soon." She smiled and then shoved past your associate as she stormed to the fridge for her lunch. You frowned but then locked eyes and asked,

"Wanna have a lunch date? I only have about fifteen minutes, but it'd be nice to catch up."

She sent you a smile, but quickly frowned when she saw your associate placing her hand over yours. It was innocent, simply wanting to take the box you still had on the table off of the papers and throwing it away. But your hand lingered on the styrofoam and she had to get your attention somehow without interrupting your conversation.

"No, thanks. I see you're quite busy right now."

"Doing what?" You chuckled in confusion. "This is my lunch break. The only thing I'm busy doing is scarfing down my food."

She'd usually giggle and tell you the same thing for her lunch plans. You're both food lovers after all.

But today, your associate was hanging really close to you, touching you, although not for reasons she assumed.

"Whatever. I have to get back to work in a few minutes so I don't have the time. Have your lunch with your associate instead." She said, a fake smile on her face before she went into the other room and closed the door.

You got up and followed her in, your food in your hand, of course.

You opened the door and closed it behind you. You found the room empty other than your girlfriend. It'd allow you some privacy, which you'd usually take advantage of by stealing some kisses and giggles, talking about plans for the night together, and maybe even potential date ideas.

But your girlfriend was upset. She was digging at her food with the fork, barely eating a few bites, which told you that something was definitely not right with her.

"Rosé? What happened back there?" You asked as you took a seat at the table beside her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She mumbled and ate a few bites of her food to get out of the conversation.

"You're not a very good liar, babe. We've been dating for almost a year now. I can tell when you're lying."

She just sighed, refusing to say a word.

"Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad!" She said, her voice raised just a touch as she let out a heavy sigh.

"So what are you then? Because usually, you never turn down our lunch dates."

"I don't know, y/n. It seemed like Emma wanted you to stay with her today."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"What? Rosie, what are you going on about? Emma is my associate!"

"A very touchy associate." She corrected and went to put more food into her mouth, only for you to carefully pull the fork away from her and hold it out of her reach. She pouted and folded her arms over her chest.

"You'll get this back after you explain."

"Fine. She just seemed touchy. She had her hand on your shoulder then she caressed your hand and..." she sighed, biting the inside of her cheek. "You just seem to be getting close to each other, that's all."

"Okay." You chuckled and then put your hand over hers to give it a squeeze. "Rosie, there are perfectly good explanations for that. I have a lot going on today, a lot more patients, and I caught a glimpse of everyone still coming in. I was stressed and she was simply being friendly and trying to comfort me. Then you were talking to me and she didn't want to interrupt but I left my box over important papers and she wanted to make sure they didn't get ruined in any way. She was just wordlessly asking me to move my hand."

Rosie felt guilty for jumping to conclusions, especially knowing how loyal and loving you are to her, and only her.

"You know how much I love you. I'd never do anything like that. I wouldn't cheat on you, not ever. You've got my heart, Rosé. No one else. Nothing and no one can ever change that."

She leaned over to kiss your cheek and she cracked a smile when she watched your lips tug into a big one.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

"She's only started a few days ago. You felt jealous. I get that. I'd feel the same way, I'm sure. But that's why hearing each other out and having these kinds of discussions are so important."

"You're right."

"Aren't I always, though?"

She shoved your shoulder playfully before stealing a few kisses from your lips.

"Lunch break is almost over. I'm sorry I ruined it for us."

"Don't be. I understand. It's totally okay."

"If you say so. Let me at least take you out for dinner tonight to make up for it." She offered as she brought your hand to her lips and kissed across your knuckles lovingly.

"Or we could do takeout and Netflix with lots of cuddles. We've both had busy days with a few hours to go. We'll save a dinner out for another time and just,"

"Netflix and chill?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows, only for you to playfully pinch her. "Ow! Mean. Kiss it better!" She pouted and the sight was so cute and sweet that you couldn't say no. You kissed the spot on her arm a few times and giggled when her eyes lit up.

"Love you."

"Love you too, y/n. Have a good rest of your day. Stay safe."

"You too, baby. See you in a few hours." You smiled and kissed her one last time before you walked out hand in hand and went your own ways for the remainder of the day, but you were both already excited for it to be over so you could have a cozy night in together.

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