babysitting your little brother (requested)

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"Thank you so much for watching him, y/n. You know how much I appreciate it!" Your mom smiled and pulled you in for another hug while your little brother got settled on the sofa beside Rosie.

"Bye, Rosie! Bye, buddy! You be good. I'll see you tomorrow." Your mom waved and then hurriedly walked out to her car so she wouldn't be late for work.

With a few important work-related things to do, your mom wouldn't be getting home until very late tonight.

Obviously, your eight-year-old brother couldn't be home all by himself for hours on end. So your mom asked you to babysit and with how important your family is to you, you were more than happy to take him in for the night, and Rosie was just as excited.

Your brother already dragged Rosie into the kitchen and you followed the giggles coming from both of them into the room.

You watched her grabbing him some juice from the fridge, the one you picked up just for him because it's his favorite, and placed down the snack for him, as well.

"Your sister says your bedtime is in a couple of hours but is there anything you'd like to do until then?"

You already knew how he was gonna answer: toys and his favorite movie, scooby-doo. But when he answered so enthusiastically, you couldn't help but smile.

"Sounds like fun to me!" You said as you walked up behind Rosie. You snuck a kiss on her cheek while your brother was more entertained with his snack.

But halfway through it, he decided he was done and tugged on yours' and Rosie's hands to lead you into the living room.

He insisted on playing a game of hide and seek for a good twenty minutes first. He wore you both out looking all over the big house that was just filled with all of the good hiding spots.

He had so much energy and you and Rosé gave up after a while, left exhausted and wishing that you had as much energy to burn as he does.

After that, he dragged his bag across the floor and dumped out his toys. Rosé gasped a little upon seeing how much fit into the bag.

"Be careful where you walk." You warned Rosé as you both took a seat on the floor, all the legos spread everywhere. "Those things are not fun to step on! Trust me."

She cringed just thinking about it and while you took a moment to start the movie up, Rosie started on helping your little brother with the firetruck he says he's been having trouble getting done on his own.

"Don't worry. I'll help you and we'll get this done before you go home tomorrow." Rosie said as she attempted to put everything together with him, only looking away from the masterpiece she considered the few tiny legos she managed to put together when a tiny pinky caught her eye.

"Pinky promise?" He asked and she looked over at you, finding you grinning widely as they hooked fingers.

"I pinky promise. We will not give up."

"Even if we have to get up super early to finish it?" He wondered and Rosie looked a little less enthused at the mention of getting up early on her days off.

But still, he looked so happy, so excited, that she couldn't find it in her to say no.

"I pinky promise you that, too."

"And Rosie doesn't break her promises. Trust me on that." You nudged her ribs playfully and laid your head on her shoulder as you watched them interact.

It warms your heart to see. Your family is so important to you, especially your little brother.

It's not like this is the first time Rosé has met him. She's seen him many times before, spending this past Christmas and last thanksgiving with your side of the family, and all the birthdays in the last two years that you've been together.

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