you'll get better soon (requested)

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Your feet moved fast as you rushed through the sliding doors of the hospital. You went up to the nurse at the check in in a panic, but Jennie called out your name from behind you before you could get a word out.

You saw her standing by the door, holding it open so you could come back with her to go see Rosie. You rushed to her side and when the door closed she pulled you into a hug she knew you needed.

"Is she okay? What happened?"

"She fainted in dance practice. Of course we called an ambulance and they brought her here. They say she's been overworking herself. Dehydrated, sleep-deprived, and she hasn't been eating much because we've got so much going on it's like it's all she can seem to focus on. She'll be alright. But she hasn't told you anything about this?"

"No. She never mentioned feeling unwell or anything. Just a little stressed but I know that's normal. I always try to care for her during comebacks; I know they're not easy times. I don't know why she wouldn't tell me if she was struggling." You said as tears started to sting your eyes.

It hurt you to know how exhausted she must be. You always worry about her. You know she's under a lot of pressure and a lot of stress, and now you can't help but worry about her even more.

"She's gonna be okay, y/n." Jennie said and squeezed your shoulder. Soon, she stopped walking and you both stood in front of the door of the room Rosie was in. "Talk to her. Tell her to take a couple of days to rest. She needs it. And, if you need us, we're all a phone call away."

You nodded and thanked her before watching her walk away to let you and Rosé have some time alone to talk everything out.

You opened the door and when you were inside, you saw Rosie on the bed hooked up to an iv and a few other things. She was on her side, facing away from you as she slept. You quietly closed the door behind you. You didn't want to wake her; knowing she must be so exhausted. The last thing you wanted was to wake her.

So, you padded over to the hospital bed and sat in the chair beside it. She looked so fragile; hooked up to a few wires and monitors. You watched the heart monitor and then watched her breathe. She moved around, turning from one side to the other in the uncomfortable bed. The blanket was slipping off of her and you draped it back over her, causing her eyes to flutter open.

She was srurpised to see you standing there before she groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. The conversation she's dreaded having with you was bound to start at any given moment. And when she opened her eyes once more, she saw the tears in your now sad orbs and she bit her lip; knowing you had to be so worried.


"You didn't tell me..." you interrupted. "Why?"

"I don't know.  I knew you'd worry-"

"Rosie," you interrupted again. "You're in the hospital. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute and imagine how worried I am right now."

She reached out to take your hand into hers. You let her and you were careful not to touch the IV in it.

"But I'm okay now. Or, I will be, soon."

"You're overworked. You have to take a couple of days away to rest."

She opened her mouth as if to argue with you but you shook your head and said,

"Even Jennie agrees that you need rest, and I'm certain that everyone else does, too. If you're so overworked to the point that you're dehydrated, you're not eating much, or sleeping well, then you have to step back for a bit to recharge. You might be an idol but you're only human, baby. You have to take care of yourself."

She nodded, but you could see her bottom lip trembling.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, I promise. And I won't let it happen again."

"Good." You whispered and squeezed her hand gently. "Next time, just come to me. Tell me when you're feeling overwhelmed. If you need help, if you need encouragment and reassurance, you know I'm always happy to give it to you. I'm your girlfriend; I love you and I care about you so much. Please come to me next time. Don't hide it from me just because you don't want to worry me. I'm here to listen."

She nodded and sent you a sad smile.

"I promise I will."

You leaned in to kiss her cheek and then caressed it lovingly.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling a little better already." She replied, eyes heavy and closing as she leaned into your touch. "I love you, y/n."

"Love you too," you whispered and kissed her temple lingeringly, hoping it wouldn't be long until she started to feel more like herself again and less overworked.

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