meeting your homophobic parents (requested)

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Your head was resting on Rosie's shoulder, giggles fell from your lips on occasion as you talked about random things in the cozy restaurant for your cute little lunch date.

It seemed like it was gonna be a beautiful day. The sun was out, the day was warm and bright. You looked forward to spending it by your girlfriend's side.

She fed you a couple of bites of her food and caressed your cheek lovingly as you spoke about your week at work.

It was only the sound of the bells on the door jingling that made you both look away from each other and to the door. You thought you'd just see a random couple or person there to order some food on a warm day.

But to your horror, you saw your mom and dad coming inside.

You grew uncomfortable immediately. You tried to bury your face in your girlfriend's shirt, but it was too late. Your dad saw your face and Rosie locked eyes with him from across the restaurant.

She rubbed your back, thinking you weren't feeling well as she paid no mind to the man she thought was a total stranger.

"Hey," she whispered softly. "Are you okay?"

You wanted to tell her the honest truth without having to face your parents. But before you got the chance to even speak to her, your parents were walking toward you and Rose with cocky smiles on their faces.

"Well, hello, y/n,"

Rosie looked between the two of them and then at you. She saw the similarities right away, but she also remembered how you mentioned you don't keep in contact with your parents.

You've never gone into detail as to why, though. She never pushed you to tell her. But now, as she sees how uncomfortable you are and how snarky your parents seem, she was starting to see why you're so closed off about the topic.

"Mom, Dad," you mumbled as you lifted your head from Rosie's shirt to look at them. "What are you doing here?"

"We're grabbing lunch together, silly." She said and though her words seemed slightly playful, the tone of her voice was anything but. She was clearly unhappy, speaking to you as if you were brainless.

"What about you?"

You looked from them and to Rosie, who was smiling down at you.

"I'm having lunch too. With my girlfriend."

Your father sighed and your mom rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You still haven't grown out of that phase?"

"It's not a phase, mother." You grumbled and bit your tongue to try to hold back all the bitter words running through your busy brain. "It's who I am. I've tried telling you both on many occasions that me liking girls is not a damn phase."

Your father scoffed.

"Watch your mouth."

"Me? I have to watch mine while you've gotten to treat me like trash over the years? You've always been so ashamed of me I'm shocked that you're taking the risk of possibly being seen speaking to me in public."

Rosie placed her hand on your thigh under the table as she sensed your discomfort turning into anger and hurt.

"We wouldn't be so ashamed of you if you weren't into girls, y/n. We've told you that before. It's not natural."

"But it's who I am!" You shouted to your father in frustration. You shook your head and scoffed as your built-up emotions started to overwhelm you. "You know what?" You mumbled under your breath. "I don't care anymore. It's been how long since you've spoken to me? Years? Because you refuse to love your daughter because she's into girls?"

Your parents eyed Rosé and you watched her become uncomfortable.

"Stop looking at her like that!" You yelled. "You've already driven away so many of my girlfriends in the past, I'm not letting you do the same to Rosé. For so long I worried about why I wasn't good enough for you just because of my sexuality. I wondered how people could be so lucky enough to have parents that love them for who they are. You made my life miserable."

You threw some money onto the table and then took Rosie's hand proudly in yours.

"But the difference between then and now is that I just don't care anymore. I have people around me who love me now. Who care about me, who genuinely love me for who I am; every piece and part of me. I don't need you. I don't need your validation or your homophobic opinions. I have Rosie and that's all I need."

You calmly stood up and Rosé did the same. She intertwined your fingers together and you headed for the door while she bit her tongue and tried not to explode at your parents.

But she couldn't hold back anymore when your dad said,

"We're still ashamed of you."

"Then that's your loss. Isn't it?" She asked your dad, turning around and looking at him in disgust. "At the end of the day, you're the ones losing out on loving such an amazing girl. She's everything a parent could ever wish their child to grow into. Kind, accepting, loving. In my eyes, she's perfect in every way possible. She's incredible."

Rosie tightened her hand on yours and you smiled as she stood up for you to your parents, saying to them everything you wished someone would say.

"She's made it this far without the both of you, hasn't she? I think she's doing just fine without you both and your meaningless opinions. She's got friends who adore her, my family who loves her like she's always been part of the family, and she's got me."

She turned to look at you, staring at you so lovingly.

"You did a great job in raising her! She's nothing like you, better than you'll ever be, and I think that's the best thing about her." She spoke proudly and smirked at your parents before kissing you passionately and unashamedly before leading you out of the restaurant.

"Thank you, Rosie."

"You're welcome, y/n. I'm only telling the truth." She smiled and stole another kiss from your lips, this time her lips lingered for a moment, and her arm wrapped around your waist. "I love you so much."

"Love you, Rosé." You smiled, ready to carry on with your day, feeling the happiest you've felt in a long time.

You have everything you could ever want and need right there with you, holding you tight and loving you unconditionally, every single day.

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