you have a fever

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Rosé woke up when she attempted to pull you closer to her in your sleep, only to come into contact with her blanket instead of your soft skin.

She opened her eyes but squinted them and let out a little sigh when she saw you laying further away from her. She moved closer to you and draped her arm over your back, but her fingers brushed over your skin and that's when she felt it.

Your skin was warm, too warm, definitely feverish. She noticed it felt a little sticky under her touch. Even as you slept, you still had a look of discomfort on your face. She pushed away from the blankets and shook your shoulder. "Y/n wake up."

You stirred in your sleep a bit before opening your eyes. You let out a whimper when you realized how sick and uncomfortable you felt. "Rosé?"

She nodded. "I know, y/n. I'll be right back." She said and got up to go into the bathroom. You heard the sound of running water just a few seconds later.

While she was in there you had to push the blankets back, too hot and sticky to lay underneath them for even another second. You felt the sick feeling in your stomach but tried to shrug it off as Rosé came back into the bedroom.

With her help, you got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom. The feeling of the cool tiles underneath your feet felt nice, but not nearly as nice as the warm water that enveloped your skin just a minute later when you got out of your clothes and into the bathtub.

You felt somewhat relieved as Rosé began to pour some water over you. "That okay?" You nodded and leaned your head back. You closed your eyes and sighed softly as she started to run a cloth down your skin.

The water wasn't too hot or too cold, just the right temperature to relieve your sticky and warm skin. "Do you feel sick?" Rosé asked, clearly worried.

"A little." She tugged her lip between her teeth and continued to cup some water in her hands and pour it over your skin for a few more minutes.

She eventually began to have you lay down, back against the cool porcelain of the tub. "Just stay here and relax. I'll be right back but if you need me before I'm back then just yell for me and I'll rush right in." She promised and pressed a kiss to your wet hair before walking out of the room.

She made sure you'd be really comfortable back in bed; she grabbed your favorite shirt and then moved the trashcan by the bed closer to your side, just in case. She also got you some cold water for you to sip on and take the pills that would hopefully take away what remained of your fever.

She then returned to you. She saw you had drifted off to sleep, so comfortable in the bath that Rosé had prepared that you couldn't even resist your heavy eyes from closing.

She grabbed a towel and then bent down by you.
"Y/n?" She moved her hand up and down your arm soothingly. Your eyes opened just a few seconds later to find her smiling at you. "Come, let's get you back to bed." She said and helped you out of the water.

You shivered as soon as your feet hit the floor. "It's okay," Rosé whispered softly and wrapped the towel tightly around you. She guided you back to the bedroom and had you sit on the edge of the bed. She dried your hair a bit for you before pulling the shirt over your head. "Feeling any better?"

"I still feel sick but I don't feel as hot now." Rosé was still worried about you, but she definitely felt a little better about your fever. She put the pills in your hand and held the cup of water for you. "Take those. They should help your fever a bit more."

You swallowed them down, sighing out when the cold water hit the back of your slightly sore throat. You crawled up the bed to your pillows and dropped your head on them. You felt completely exhausted but you didn't know if it was because your sleep had been interrupted or because of how sick you felt.

But Rosé was by your side in the blink of an eye. She was pulling the blankets over you and then stroked your forehead. She noticed it felt a little cooler under her touch, but you still felt a little warm. "Are you okay? Are you too hot?"

You tiredly shook your head and took her hand in your own. You always felt better when your fingers were laced with hers and Rosé could only smile at the feeling. "Get some sleep. If you need me at all tonight don't hesitate to wake me. I'm gonna be right by your side if you need anything."

You felt her stroke your cheek as you drifted off to sleep. As sick as you felt, it was nice to know that you weren't alone. You'd never be alone when you had Rosé.

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