first 'I love you'

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You leaned back against the front door after you walked through it. You closed your eyes and let the stresses of your day drift away, hoping that you'd completely forget about the rotten day you'd had now that you were home with Rosé.

You kicked off your shoes and dropped your keys into the dish by the door. For the first time since you first stepped inside, you took a good look around. The lights were dimmed and the house was silent and, for a second, you actually thought that Rose might not be home.

That was, until, you started to climb the stairs and you heard soft music coming from the bedroom.

"Rosé?" You yelled out, following the music and, soon enough, her soft humming. It brought a smile to your face as soon as you heard it; her beautiful voice. Music to your ears, it always makes your heart leap with joy.

"Rosé? Are you working on something?"

You asked as you tiptoed down the hallway and to your shared bedroom. The door was open only a crack but peeking inside you saw Rose sat on the bed with something in her hand.

Opening the door, you saw her swinging her legs as she sat on the bed. Her head turned at the creaky sound and her eyes lit up when she saw you and the smile that quickly appeared on her face was just as bright.

"Hey, baby. I'm happy you're home."

She walked over to you, a red rose in her hand that she quickly placed in yours before kissing your cheek softly.

"Rosé... this is so beautiful."

"Like you, my love."

Your cheeks became warm as you lowered them to look down at your bare feet before looking back up at her. Looping your arms around her neck, you leaned in for a kiss. Only, something on the bed caught your eye and made you pull away before your lips could touch.

"What's that?"

You nodded toward the bed that was covered in different colored tissue paper, clearly covering something up.

"Oh... just a surprise for you." She said, taking your hand into hers and lacing your fingers together. You could feel her hand shaking and you couldn't hide the worry washing over you at the sight.

"Your hand is shaking, baby."

"Yeah," she chuckled nervously. "I just..." She let out a sigh and found herself twirling the ring on your finger. "I know you had a bad day and I wanted to cheer you up. So I did something that I hope you'll love."

"Can I look?" You asked excitedly and she let go of your hand to stand behind you and cover your eyes.

"Rosé? What did you do?"

"You'll see," she whispered softly, walking you forward to the bed. You heard the rustling of the tissue paper before Rosé pulled her hands away and said, "you can look now."

Excited, you opened your eyes quickly. You had some suspicions about what could be under there, but what you saw was better than anything you could've imagined.

Red rose petals were scattered across the bed, but not in any random arrangement, but in something special; something that left you speechless.

Reading out the three words you've been dying to hear from her; the same ones you've had on the tip of your tongue for the longest time but always swallowed back, in fear that it would be too much too soon. That you'd be saying it too fast, too forward.

But there they were now; 'I love you' spelled out in the most beautiful red rose petals.

You tried to speak, but no words would come out, no matter how hard you tried to get them to.

You turned around to find her staring at you with the softest gaze. She smiled a little but it quickly faltered when you remained silent.

You walked forward to her, closer and closer till you were right in front of her. You looped your arms around her neck and wordlessly laid your forehead onto hers.

"Is it too much?" She asked worriedly. "I know we haven't said it yet but,"

"Do you mean it?"

"Wholeheartedly." She whispered softly. "Y/n... I've loved you for the longest time now. I just didn't know how to say it but I've been trying to for so long now. I just couldn't find the right moment to say them. But then, you texted me saying your day was downright awful and there was this pull at my heart like... I had to tell you. I can't keep it to myself anymore."

You chuckled happily, licking your lips as your heart leaped with joy.

"Say it."

"I love you."

She said it without even hesitating. They fell right from her lips as soon as you told her to.

"I love you, y/n. You're my entire world. I love everything about you. I couldn't ever put it into words, just how much I love you. You're everything to me." She said, hand brushing along your cheek lovingly.

"Say it again!"

She laughed before saying it again, and again, and again.

"I love you so much. I really love you, y/n."

You had tears in your eyes. Ones of utter happiness. Because you've waited so long to hear those words fall from her lips, and to say them right back to her.

"I love you more, Rosé."

"Impossible." She smiled. "Because I love you the most; to the moon and back."

You didn't even try to argue. You just put your lips on hers, relishing in the feeling of her heart beating against your chest and her arms around your waist.

"So? Is your day better now?"

"Are you kidding?" You giggled. "This might be the second best day of my life."

She furrowed her eyebrows, a little pout forming on her lips at the words second best.

"Silly," you paused, eyes staring deeply into hers. "The absolute best day of my life was the day I first met you." You clarified, watching her eyes light up. "Nothing in the world could ever top that, because you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you lots."

"I love you." She said before kissing you again, this time making it more passionate as her tongue swiped along your lips and gently pushed you onto your back; although on a different part of the bed, so you wouldn't mess up the petals.

You giggled as you pulled her closer, relishing in her kisses and the taste of her lips as the sadness and stress you felt before completely faded away; all you could feel now was pure happiness.

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