she gets jealous of another idol flirting with you (requested)

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Rosé embraced you in her arms, hugging you from behind as she laid a few kisses across your cheek. "Thank you for coming along with me tonight."

"Are you kidding?" You asked with a smile as you turned to loop your arms around her neck. "I'm having the time of my life! I've never been to an awards show before and not only am I having fun meeting new people, it's also been nice to see you and the girls get celebrated with a couple of well-deserved awards. Thank you for bringing me."

She kissed your cheek lingeringly but pulled away when she heard her name being called from across the crowded room. She was surprised she was able to hear it over the loud chatter. Quickly, she noticed it was Jennie who was waving her over.

"I'll be right back, baby girl. I promise." She whispered in your ear and gave your hip a squeeze before walking over to Jennie.

As soon as she left, you heard your name being called in the distance. You thought maybe it was her or one of the girls, but when you turned around you noticed it was actually a member of dreamcatcher. Having been a fan of their music for as long as you can remember, you actually felt a little intimidated as Yoohyeon began to walk toward you.

"Hi! I was so hoping I'd see you here tonight!"

You ducked your head as your cheeks turned red. The thought of her even knowing who you are felt so surreal! But to hope she'd see you here tonight, out of everyone in this crowded room, felt like a dream.

Across the room, Rosé was talking to the girls about tonight. To them, it felt like they were on cloud nine. Being invited to a major awards show like this is already a huge deal, but winning in major categories made it even more surreal. They were simply sharing their happiness with each other and talking about what tomorrow held for them.

She looked around the room, simply planning on admiring you from afar. But when her eyes fell onto you, she noticed you weren't alone.

She had to admit that there was a smile tugging at her lips at first when she first saw that it was Yoohyeon. She knows how much you love dreamcatcher's music and it made her happy to see your dream come true of finally meeting one of the girls!

But her smile soon faded, falling quickly when she saw Yoohyeon. She wasn't a fan of how she was staring at you.

How her teeth sank into her lip and she'd smile and laugh at whatever you were saying while twirling her hair absentmindedly. How her eyes roamed ever so slightly to gaze at how the red dress you fell in love with and just had to have for this show complimented you so well.

Rosé was certain that every color is your color, that you look good in everything. But it was obvious how confident you felt in that dress and she can't blame Yoohyeon for being drawn in because of that.

But she could blame her for checking out and possibly even being a little flirtatious with her girl.

"Excuse me for a second." She smiled at the girls and walked over to you.

She got closer to you, only catching a glimpse of the words falling from Yoohyeon. And right before she appeared behind you, she heard, "I love that color on you! You look pretty."

Rosé cleared her throat as she snuck up behind you. She put her arms around you and hugged you from behind. Her sudden presence and the warmth of her embrace made you giggle and melt into her.

"Hey, baby girl, Yoohyeon. Nice to meet you!"

You put your head on her shoulder and looked up at her with furrowed brows.

"I'm just so lucky, aren't I? I really do have the most beautiful girlfriend."

Yoohyeon cleared her throat, suddenly feeling awkward and uncomfortable. "I see I put my foot in my mouth." She chuckled nervously. "You look great too, Rosé! Congrats on your awards! I'm so happy for you and the girls and I wish you all the best in your love life and your career." She bowed and walked away.

Rosie hummed as she buried her face in your neck. You pulled out of her arms and crossed your arms over your chest, giving her a look that screamed, 'what was that?'

"Don't give me that look and don't be mad, please." She pouted and wrapped her arms around you. "You didn't see the way she was looking at you. The way I like to look at you."

"Rosie," you chuckled and put your arms around her neck to bring her closer. "Don't be jealous. I didn't see because I really don't care. The only person I have eyes for is you."

You kissed her lips softly and she smiled against them.

"Yoohyeon is one of my greatest role models. I was just talking with her. She may have a thing for me, but I'm happily taken and I would've made that crystal clear in a heartbeat if I really noticed her flirting with me. So no more being jealous." You poked her sides playfully, relishing in the giggle that fell from her lips afterward.

"I'll try." She chuckled, then sighed as your lips touched her forehead. "You really are the most beautiful girl in the world, though. You know that?" She spoke softly and reached up to caress your cheek. "I am the luckiest to be able to love you every day."

You kissed her again, this time a little longer than before. But she pulled away and swung your intertwined hands and said, "Come on. Let's go chat with the girls for a bit."

You nodded with a smile and laid your cheek on her shoulder as she led you to where the girls were.

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