you accidentally hurt her when she tickles you (requested)

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You comfortably rested your head on Rosie's chest. Her fingertips brushed along your arm softly as you both stared ahead at the tv.

Leaning down, she brushed her lips lovingly against your forehead. You smiled and tilted your head up to look at her. The smile she sent you when your eyes locked made your heart flutter.

"I love you." She whispered softly and leaned down to lay a sweet kiss on your lips. "I'm having so much fun with you tonight. It's nice to be home early and get some quality time with my girl."

"I love you too and feel the same way." You said before putting your head on her chest again, a contented sigh falling from your lips.

You noticed the box of pizza on the table. There was still one piece left and since Rosie seemed to be done, you figured you'd reach over and take it for yourself before you'd curl back up with her.

But just as you reached for it, she sat up and did the same. Her hand fell onto yours and you exchanged a surprised look.

"What do you think you're doing?" She teased.

"Getting ready to eat the last slice of pizza."

"Sorry pretty girl, it's mine."

You stared at her for a second before reaching down and pulling off some of the cheese and putting it into your mouth.

"Cheater!" She gasped and pushed you back onto the couch.

She hovered over you and began to tickle your sides. She stared down at you with bright eyes, a big smile on her face as you laughed underneath her.

"Rosie!" You laughed and tried to push her hands away, only for her to take your hands into one of hers and pin them above your head.

You squirmed under her and tried to get away from her, only for her to tickle you even harder.

"P-Please stop, Rosé!" You begged as your stomach began to ache, despite the laugh still falling from your lips.

"What do you say?" She teased with a grin on her face.


"No, the words I think you meant to say were 'you can have the last slice',"

You shook your head and tried to wiggle away.

Finally, you managed to pull your hands out of her grip.

You planned on gently pushing at her shoulders to get her to stop tickling you.

But your eyes closed and you accidentally hit her cheek. It was harder than you intended. If it had been her shoulder, it wouldn't have taken either of you by surprise as she knew you'd probably try to push her away at some point.

But since it was her cheek, it shocked the both of you.

It wasn't painful, nothing more than just a little tap. But it was more the shock of the situation that caused you both to freeze.

Rosie had never seen your eyes so wide before. A feeling of guilt flooded over you. Despite it being accidental, you felt terrible nonetheless.

"Rosie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

You sat up and brushed your hand along her cheek. Thankfully, she didn't even wince when you did. You seemed to be making more of a fuss than her.

"It's fine, baby girl." She giggled. "It didn't hurt, it just surprised me, that's all."

"I feel so awful."

"Don't." She whispered softly, her eyes full of love as she took your shaking hand into yours. "It's just fine. It doesn't even hurt, I swear. Besides, it was just an accident. It happens. We were just playing around, it's not like you did it on purpose. I know that. You have to calm down, it's no big deal."

You nodded and took a deep breath before kissing her cheek softly.

"You can have the last slice."

She shook her head and sat down before taking the slice and pulling you into her arms.

"We'll share it." She smiled and managed to tear it a little so it was almost fair.

However, it was a little uneven and one part of it ended up being bigger than the other.

She gave you that one with a kiss on your head and smiled as you began to eat it as you put your head on her chest, ready to carry on with the rest of your night together.

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