Chapter 40: Sick

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Warning: Cursing because Lovino in this chapter. The picture isn't mine obviously.



"Heracles, could you please bring a cup of warm water from the pantry? (Y/N)'s psychosomatic is relapsing. I need to ease her pain first," The nurse explained.

"Psychosomatic?" He asked.

"Psychosomatic is a sickness where your mental condition could affect your physical condition too. They looked like fever but they're not. She must be triggered with something that made her in sorrow," She explained again.

Heracles nods and his feet moved to the pantry room. Silently praying for your condition in his heart as he feels hopeless since he never see this kind of mental sickness.


Third Person POV:

The clock on the wall ticking painfully slow as everyone in the classroom either playing, sleeping, chasing each other, talking about the recent news or the newest movies in cinema. A pair of green eyes looking at the window as he's thinking about the girl in the medic bay. Not gonna lie but when he was with her in the gazebo as they study together about the British history, he felt the beat of his heart were stronger and he could butterflies in his stomach while he was with her. Enjoying the day when he was hanging out with her yesterday.

Not only him who felt that way when he was with her, a pair of blue eyes with stubble his on his chin also can feel the butterflies in his stomach with the guy with slightly tanned skin and hazel skin too as his curl bobbed up and down. They have the same thought about her, her kindness are warm like sunflower promise, her eyes also shining like stars and her smile are soft and angelic. Her body shape and height? A complete perfection as if she is The Goddess. Oh, (y/n) such a tease to them. Making their hearts beating rapidly.

A sudden knock from outside of the class made their trance cut out quickly as everyone looked at the guy who is panting after running.

Heracles POV:

After getting the drink for her, I went to the vice-principal to report the incident from the library. My heart clenches when I saw the sight of her, I never see people with psychosomatic but from what I saw, It was clear that Psychosomatic can be painful and hard. I'm not much of a runner and to be honest, I kinda despise sport because they can be quite tiring but seeing her condition. I didn't think twice to run to the pantry room, went back to the medic bay, report the incident to the vice principal and finally came to the class as my sweat drenches my white blouse.

My eyes darted to everyone in the class as their eyes watched my movements. I hate attention but I didn't think i need their attention today just to help her.

"(Y/N)......She is in the medic bay," I tried to catch my breath.

"Yeah, What about it?" A girl with glasses and long black hair asked.

" S-she's......It's hard to explain it but....her condition are pretty bad. She has tremor, stomach ache, sweaty, hard to breath and she looks so.....broken?" I cannot find the exact word.

"She must got a Psychosomatic, Psychosomatic isn't as lethal as other sickness but those are pretty painful. Once it relapse real bad, the person couldn't move because the headache feels like a truck hit them and they can't breath because their lung suffocated" Our president class stood up.

"T-that's what the nurse said," I said.

"I-is she going to be okay?" Michelle asked.

"I hope so...."

"It's going to be okay everyone. The only thing we can do are hope the best and when she get better, help her and try to be careful," The president class spoke.

Everyone agreed and I sat behind Lovino, beside the window after running around. Trying to cool down and ease my aching feet muscles, It has been such a long time for running since I despise sport. If I had to choose between sleeping for thirty minutes or running in the felt for fifteen minutes...I would choose sleeping only thirty minutes. Nevertheless, it was worth help her. I could feel my lips slowly curved when I think about her, I hope she is getting better after the nurse helped her.

Lovino POV:

I was munching on my tomato and playing my phone since out astronomy teacher not in the class right now. Sadly, I had the same class with that Cheese Feta bastard, the pervert wine lover bastard and that mc'eyebrow english bastard although the cheese feta and eyebrow are better than that wine loving French bastard. Greek and England never bother me anyway, only France who always bother me. My eyes slowly moved to the empty chair behind me, it's Heracles's sit but where is he?

I looked at The guy beside him "Where is he?" I asked. Those pair emotionless brown eyes were changed from the book on his table into mine. "I'm not sure, he did not terr-(Tell) me. Gomenasai," The guy apologized. I shrugged and then playing my phone again until I heard the door slammed open. It was Heracles who opened the door and I can see the sweat dripping from his forehead and drenched into his clothes. He looks like someone who are going to pass out at anytime.

"(Y/N)......She is in the medic bay" Heracles panted.

Wait what? S-she's in the medic bay? What happened to her? I can feel my eyes widened after he mentioned that news to everyone in the class. Worry and guilt slowly creeping into my soul, Is she going to be okay? Did someone hurt her? If someone hurt her, I would gladly punt them into the sun. A slight growl escaped from my throat but no one seems to hear my growl.

"Yeah, What about it?" A girl with glasses and long black hair asked. That prick-

" S-she's......It's hard to explain it but....her condition are pretty bad. She has tremor, stomach ache, sweaty, hard to breath and she looks so.....broken?" Wait what??? Tremor? Stomachache? Asthma? Broken? What happened to her?

My eyes moved to the tall man on the second row sit in the front with another guy with freckles. It was clear that our president class going to speak his opinion out.

"She must got a Psychosomatic, Psychosomatic isn't as lethal as other sickness but those are pretty painful. Once it relapse real bad, the person couldn't move because the headache feels like a truck hit them and they can't breath because their lung suffocated" Our president class spoke.

I couldn't believe my own ears after those words slipped out from his mouth. The strong angelic bella is suffering? How is she? Why does she never tell us? I couldn't believe that she is hurting deep inside but who hurt her? I Swear if I find who hurt her. I will hurt him back but twice more painful! Another sigh escaped from my lips, praying silently for her. I glanced at Francis, Arthur, Kiku and Heracles....they have that same deep inside worry eyes. I - no.... we need to find out who is hurting her.



Thank you for reading. I hope you like this part of the story.




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