Chapter 21: Thank you, Berwald

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Lukas smiled at the result. At least he got B for the score. He used to get D or E for his drawing skill but because of your help, he got B for art. He looked up at you and walked up to you.

"Thank you, (Y/N). For helping me." 

"No problem. I'm glad that i can help you."


it was summer and everything felt like...a hell. The sun being jerk for this summer. No, the flowers didn't bloom or the birds chirping. The flowers withered because how hot it is and the birds hiding in their nest because of the heat of the summer. You brought six bottles of cold mineral bottles. Yes,  you brought all of six bottles in your backpack. 

Some of the classes air conditioner was broke. It's hot as heck, and everyone in the class was sweating, including you. You hoped the library air conditioner doesn't break like the Geography class. 

"Ughhhh it's so hotttt!" Elizaveta groaned.

"Yeah! It feels like my skin going to melt!" Mei complained.

"Does one of you brought ice cream or ice pack??" You asked while wiped the sweat on your forehead.

"No," Elizaveta and Xiao Mei said at the same time.

The geography class was sucks. Not only there was a pop quiz, you didn't study yesterday because why? You were playing Alice: Madness Returns and then Resident Evil and then Until Dawn together with your brother. You loves some of Horror games such as Among The Sleep, Alice: Madness returns, Resident Evil, Outlast, Dark Deception, and then Until Dawn.

Because of that, your pop quiz at Geography got C. Luckily, you didn't get D as a score because at the bus, you study a little bit. The bell of the lunch time suddenly rang as both of you jolted up.  

"Finally! Let's go to the library!" You told them.


With a swift motion, both of  you packed up the backpacks and went to the library.

___Time skip at the Library___

In a second inside the library, the faces of all of you turned into a relieve. It was cold, the air conditioner didn't break this time. Heck, it even felt like a personal heaven. Not only the library was big, the air conditioner still works...there's some of your favorite comics and novels at the table.

"Let's just stay here for a moment," Elizaveta spoke.

"Yeah," both of you and Xiao Mei agreed.

You put the bag under the table as the other girls went to the other section to get their favorite book. When you looked all of the books, there were a lot of books such as Dork Diaries, Artemis Fowl, The Adventure of Tintin, The Amazing of Spiderman, Fantastic Four and  many more.

When opened the book of Dork  Diaries. You happily read it as the cool breeze hit your face and the smell of old books lingering on your nose. It was relaxing until you heard a fake cough.

"Why 'r' yo' r'ad'ng a n'v'l wh'n t'd'y th'r' w'll b' m'th  t'st?" (Why are you reading a novel when today there will be  math test?)

"Huh?" You looked up to see...Berwald towering you and staring at you intensely.

"Why?" He asked.

"I-i'm bored. A-and besides, i'm suck at math!" You complained.

"Th'n, i w'll t'ach you. 'f y'u w'nt." (Then, i will teach you. If you want.) He offered.

"O-oh really? Thanks."

"N' pr'bl'm." (No problem) he said as he pulled the  chair and sat next to you.

He took his bag and opened the bag. He took out the mathematics book and opened the book while you took a notebook and then the paperwork to put the correct answer. 

"Wh'ch p'rt y'u d'n't und'rst'nd?" He asked.

"Number 10."

"L't m' see" (Let me see) he told her as he took the paper from your hand.

He looked at the question of number 10. It's said "Solve for x the equation log9(x3) = log2(8)". He was thinking for a moment and then took his paper out, hr began scribbling and counting the number of the question. Soon, he got the answer and nod. He wrote down the answer and then gave it to you as he taught you step by step so you can understand him.

" log9(x3) just like log2(8). If 2 cubed  is eight, then change the eight  into 2(23).
 log2(23)  are 3 because you crossed the number of two. Then rewire it as log9(x3) = 3. After that change it into log9(93). Rewrite 3 as a log base 9. Then change  x3 as 93 to obtain algebraic equation from equation D. solve above for x is 9," he wrote it down. 

"Owhhh alright. Oh, i also confused for number 15, 17, 21, and then 32."

"Alr'ght, ' c'n t'ach y'u f'r n'mb'r 15 'nd th'n 17. B't y'u m'st d' it by y'urs'lf f'r n'mb'r 21 and 32." (Alright, i can teach you for number 15 and then 17. But you must do it by yourself for number 21 and 32.) He looked down at you.

"What?? Why??" You asked.

""N'mb'r 21 j'st th' s'm' w'th 15 'nd n'mber 32 j'st th' sam' w'th n'mber 24."(Number 21 just the same with  15 and number 32 just the same with number 24.) He told her.

He began scribbling the paper as he taught you the problem number 15 and 17. At first, you didn't get it but soon as he repeat it but more slower and more detailed. The bulb light on your head shined like a shining gold or sun (sorry not sorry).

"N'w try n'mb'r 21 by y'ur 'wn" (now try number 21 by your own.) He wanted to see your capability while doing the math problems.

At first he wasn't sure because he knows the number of 21 are harder than number 15. But soon as he looked how you counted the number without any problem. He was sure that you could solve the problem. He looked at the answer and smiled....only a little bit

"Th' answ'r 's c'rrect. G''d j'b," he praised you. (The answer is correct. Good job.)

"Yeah, thanks to you Berwald. Without you, maybe i will stuck in this question." 

"I kn'w, by th' w'y. L'ts g' to th' cl'ss. Or w' w'll b' l't'." (I know, by the way. Let's go to the class. Or we will be late.) He packed his bag.

"Sure, just wait for my friends Mei and Elizaveta," you  told him.

Soon both of your friends joined together and went to the math class together. The test was pretty hard for you but...because of Berwald help, you could pass some questions without  thinking how hard the question was. And by that, you got C again as a score luckily. You were thankful that Berwald was there to taught you the Algebra, if he want would get D or E as a score and then  redo the Math test....that would be suck.


Thank you for reading. I hope you like this chapter.




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