Chapter 10: It Hurt

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Hello my fellow readers, my fellow followers and my fellow friends. Yes, i updated this story today and i hope you like the last chapter that i wrote for all of you. By the way, thank you for reading this A/N and i hope you enjoy!



After leaving the principal room, you turned around and saw your new friend faces.

"He really look like you Feliciano."

"You mean my nonno (grandfather)? Si (yes), he is my grandpa!"

Whelp...this was such a long day.


After met the young grandfather, three handsome guys and each of them were from different countries. You decided to follow Feliciano to the P.E room as he looked like a dejected puppy. You wonder why he looked so down? Is it because he hates working out? Or because there will be dodge ball and some people tried to targeting him?

Or...something worst because he got bullied? It could be, poor guys slightly whimpering you pat his back gently.

"You okay Feli?"

" Of course, bella!" He showed his fake smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Si~" he still put that fake smile.

"...okay, if you say so," you still suspicious as you followed him.

Upon entering the gym room, your eyes widened as you saw how huge the Gym room is. You swore that you thought that probably 10 beds could be fit in this room. As you were day dreaming, a whistle blew out and you looked at the teacher, he was so buffy that you swore you imagined the shirt could be ripped at any second.

"Maggots! My name is Jack Finley. And today! We will play Dodge ball!"

"Aww..." some students groaned.


When he blew the whistle, you quickly ran around in a loop together with the other students...and you saw Italy slowly got left behind. You felt bad ad you heard the boys in front of him snickering at Feliciano's weakness. It made your heart twinge in pain and anger. Slowly, by slowly you slowed your running pace until you were beside him.

"Hey Feli,"

"Ve~ c-ciao bella," he was panting.

"I believe in you. You can run faster, just don't listen to those jerks."

"O-okay, grazias bella."

He smiled at your words as he felt all warm and tingly in his heart while ignoring the bad comments. Soon his pace began faster as he almost reached the others. You smiled ad you ran beside him. Those who saw his fastened pace were growling or giving him a stink eyes while Feli was ignoring them.

One of a blond guy with blue eyes and gold necklace noticed him and smirked slightly. He bumped his shoulder harshly to Feliciano until he fell off to the ground. With a quick reflex, you quickly helped him up as you growled.

"What the heck?!?! Apologize to Feli Now! You sutangnagwi(j**k**s)!"

"Awww is a little cutie trying to protect her boyfriend~"

"He is my best friend and no one hurts my friend!"

"Tch! Whatever cagna (b**ch)."

"You okay Feli?"

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