Tino Väinämöinen Ending

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A/N: The Picture Isn't mine. I found it in the deviantart and the name of the creator is WasabiMonster28. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending. Thank you everyone and Goodbye The Beautiful Country. Anyway, the kids name is actually either city/region fan characters from hetalia.



"I will give them a chance....I can't forgive them fully but...I wanna restart again" I smiled.

"Alright. I will tell everyone you forgive all of us" Katyusha stood up.

I look at her her walking out from the room and I could heard many cheers after she announced that I'm willing to give everyone a chance to be closer with me. I could only let a little laugh while the other girls in my room were laughing expect Natalia who rolled her eyes but... a tiny smile escaped her lips.






A sigh escape trough my lips as my eye stare at the certain part in the page, feeling completely bored. I swear I will die of boredom if he doesn't come here quickly. Actually, he did tell me he will a little bit late in the phone  because he has a group project together with Emil and Lukas. The grandpa clock ticking teasingly, as if the thing saying he will be really late or even worse...not coming at all. To be honest, he's not that typical of man where they forget the promise and ghosting their girlfriend. Even he is late, he always message me first.

I decide to doodle a little bit on my notebook because the boredom killing me. There was a sudden slam sound from the door and I look up to see a pair of violet eyes. He was panting heavily and his forehead covered with his own sweat. "You Okay?" I stand up and walk up to him. "I'm fine kultaseni (Sweetheart). Have you been waiting for long?" He ask me. I'm not gonna lie so I say it bluntly (Yeah, but only a little bit but it's alright." I kisses his cheeks and smiles up at him, loving his red cheeks.

Me and Tino have been dating since a month ago. It started a little bit awkward because both of us are shy but each day the love grows and he became more affectionate. He also starts baking for me, studying together or even he becomes motherly when I'm sick. Don't tell him but it feels like I'm dating a mom since he is caring. None of the less, it was really sweet of him and he is perfect. He is such a cinnamon roll.

" Olen pahoillani (I'm sorry)" He puckered his lower lips out and give me a puppy eyes.

".......Don't look at me like that," I roll my eyes and look away.

"Why...." He only pout more.

"You're cute when you act like that, it's annoying," I blush.

"HAHAHA. Oh my, sorry then." He wrap his arm around me, "Anyway, let's go, shall we?"

I look up at him and nods, standing up and following him from behind him like a lost puppy. He hold one of my hands and we went to the station bus. It was getting colder by every minute and it's not winter by the way. It is fall and you know how cold when it's fall even though it's not as cold as winter. I pull my hand away and rub them, trying to warm my hands because it's getting colder. Before I put my hands in the pocket, something warm holding my hands and it was soothing. "I brought two pairs of gloves. You can use my white gloves," he says.

His hand moves to the back pocket of his bag and pulls the white gloves out from the bag. He gently cover my hands with the gloves as the warm feeling slowly engulf my arms. "You should have bring a glove next time. What if I'm not here, kultaseni?" He looks deep into my eyes. I feel nervous and guilty, especially when he gives me a worry look. "I'm sorry..." I muttered. He sighs and smiles "It's alright. You can use that glove, I don't want your hand getting really cold," He says as he pecks my forehead.

"The bus is here. Let's go inside," He says as he holds one of my hand and pulling me along while I follow him from the side. There were several sits on the back and I choose the window sit on the left, still holding his hands. He smiles gently and pull my head and let me rest my head on top of his shoulder.






"Thank you and I hope you have fun" the cashier said as she hands us the ticket that got clipped. Tino take the tickets since I'm holding our little girl. She has my hair color but she also has Tino's violet eyes. The girl tightens her grip around my neck as she looks around, getting inside the zoo together with my husband. The girl look at her dad "Isä (Dad), Äiti (Mom). Can we see the giraffe?" The little girl asked us. Tino and me smiles at her, knowing she really likes animal. "Of course, Julia. We can see giraffe first," Tino looks up the map.

(Lapland) Julia Annällisä Väinämöinen...our only daughter. She is caring and sweet just like Tino but she also can be naughty and clumsy like me. Yeah, I'm clumsy but not at the level of anime girl clumsy level. She is actually out little angel, a perfect little angel. "(y/n), if you tired. I can pick her up," he offers which I take his offer. "Sure, thank you darling." I let him pick her up as he grab Julia carefully and move her into his arms.

Soon, we reach our destination. Which is Giraffe cage. Watching some kids feeding the giraffe gives me an idea and I rush to the worker, buy some leaves for the giraffes so Julia can feed the lanky creature. When I came back with the leaves, our little girl looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Feeling excited that she finally can feed the giraffes. She grabs the leaves from my hand and we watch her feeding the animals as one of the giraffes comes up to us and eat the leaves from Julia's hand. The girl giggles softly and pat the head of the giraffes gently.

It was a surprise when the giraffe didn't flinch at all. Instead, it lean it's head closer to her hand and let her pet it. My eyes widened and I smile softly at the cute sight, knowing that our precious angel is an animal lover. After patting, the giraffe walks away and we went to see other animals. Some animals like tigers and lions scares the poor girl, the monkey makes her giggles and the zebras or the antelopes makes her amazed.

"It's a fun day huh," I ask Julia.

"Yeah! I love it!" She shouts happily.

"I'm glad you had fun, Julia." Tino smiles and pat her head.

~ The end ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this fluff ending!




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