Ivan Braginsky Ending

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A/N: The Picture Isn't mine. I found it in the Google and Pinterest. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending. Thank you everyone and Goodbye The Beautiful Country. Anyway, the kids name is actually either city/region fan characters from hetalia.



"I will give them a chance....I can't forgive them fully but...I wanna restart again" I smiled.

"Alright. I will tell everyone you forgive all of us" Katyusha stood up.

My eyes watch her walking out from the room and I could heard cheers sooner or later after she announced that I'm willing to give everyone a chance to be closer with me. I could only let a little laugh while the other girls in my room were laughing expect Natalia who rolled her eyes but... a tiny smile escaped her lips.



Several months have passed as I came back to the school. The students and the teachers sometimes gives me a dirty glance because of what happened but I already learn how to be 'don't give a crap' at all. I mean, they don't really hurt me because I'm always walk beside Ivan and everyone is afraid of him. Therefore, I'm pretty much save from bullies or annoying teachers. One time, a guy taunted me right in front of him and he was sent to hospital with several broken bones. I know, he is scary even though he always put an adorable cheerful face.

However, I'm quite grateful that he is always beside me and protecting me from those who try to mess with me. Of course, it's not easy because Natalia. She often glares at me from far away, stalking me, and she sometimes attacks me from out of nowhere. Magically, I'm survive from her although she often throws butterfly knife at me or tried to stab me. It was really scary to be honest. I mean, no one going to be fearless if they are facing someone who try to kill them. Some people probably gonna piss themselves or running away.

It was a huge surprise for me because she changes from a silent, sweet, wise and protective friend turns into a blood thirsty and wants to kill their own best friend. The teachers doesn't really even stop her because they also scared of her. Who wouldn't? Messing with her are the same with suicide since she's brutal. I didn't know the reason why she is pissed with me until I get the slight hunch why she is pissed with me even though I never really hurt her or try to piss her off. I often watch the scene where Ivan would run away crying while she's chasing him from behind chanting 'Marry me!'

Poor Ivan, he must be really scared with Natalia. One time, I also saw that she even destroy the door while Ivan was hiding inside the room crying in fear. Luckily, her sister came to stop her before she could scare him more. He would get out with puffy eyes and he would shake slightly. I feel bad for him. You might be wondering, why is Natalia pissed with me and often chases me around while throwing some butterfly knifes. The reason that she is pissed with me and try to kill me because....well.... I'm dating with Ivan Braginsky.

You heard that right, I'm dating with the Russian teddy bear and Natalia found out about it, She was furious with me. Not gonna lie, I would actually ship them....if they aren't siblings. Katyusha told me that Russia and Belarus are her siblings, I'm surprised that Natalia has a crush on her own brother. I'm trying not to sound rude but aren't Incest are illegal? If you had children with your own siblings, the 'weak' DNA gene would combined and thus why the offspring could be endangered because their kid could born with a disease.

Okay, I know I'm sounded rude with my opinion so please ignore my opinion. Anyway, Three weeks ago Natalia has stopped trying to kill me. Instead, she talks to me that I can date her brother but with conditions such as don't hurt him, make him happy, love him the way he is. I accepted her proposal and she left me and Ivan to be together. I feel bad that she got a broken heart because of me. But, She told me too that the only person that she let me dating her brother and she wouldn't let other girls get close to him.

Anyway, Ivan might be scary and protective boyfriend but he is the sweetest boyfriend and he would treat me gently as if I'm made out of glass. He also often makes two bowl of borscht soup at winter while both of us stay inside the living room, enjoying the warmth from the fireplace.

"Sunflower? I made this for you" He hands me the bowl of borscht.

"Thank you," I kiss his cheeks.

"pozhaluysta (I'm sorry) my sunflower" he blushes.





The ladle in the pot keeps moving as I stir the soup carefully, not planning get splashed by the hot soup as I put beetroots that already cut into small pieces and the potatoes. After it was done, I poured the soup into a small bowl and brought it to the bedroom. On the bed, there's a our little girl Nadya (Siberia) Braginsky. She has Ivan's hair color but also my eye color. She's really shy and surprisingly loves napping. She inherited my laziness....I guess?

I put the bowl on the table and put my hand on her forehead gently, feeling less warmer than before. You might be confused why she is having a fever? Well, yesterday she play snow together with her father for really long time. I already warned Russia that her body are far more fragile and easily more sick but he says 'she will be fine'. Now, she has a fever because of him. I want to facepalm and told him 'Told you so' but I don't really want to anger him since he is stronger than me.

Suddenly the door opened as I look up to see Ivan with medicine and toys for our little daughter Nadya. A sheepish smile were drawn into his lips as he rub his back head, feeling bad for making his beloved daughter sick. "I'm back. I brought medicine and toys for her" He says. I sigh and shook my head as I come up to him and kisses his forehead after I flicked it. He winces when I flick his forehead but blushes after I kisses his forehead.

"podsolnechnik (Sunflower), I promise I won't be reckless again, da?" He asks and promise.

"Da, now. Give the medicine to her. You can put it on the table" I say

He smiles and nods as he walks up to table and put the medicine down. He came up to me and kisses my lips "Ya tebya lyublyu" he says. I smile and kisses his lips again. " Ya tebya lyublyu too, Ivan" I said.

~ The End ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this fluff ending!




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