Emil Steilsson Ending

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A/N: The Picture Isn't mine. I found it in the Pinterest. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending. Thank you everyone and Goodbye The Beautiful Country. Anyway, the kids name is actually either city/region fan characters from hetalia.



"I will give them a chance....I can't forgive them fully but...I wanna restart again" I smiled.

"Alright. I will tell everyone you forgive all of us" Katyusha stood up.

I look at her walking out from the room and I could hear the cheers later, after she announced that I'm willing to give everyone a chance to be closer with me. I could only let a little laugh while the other girls in my room were laughing expect Natalia who rolled her eyes but... a tiny smile escaped her lips.



The stars on the sky dancing with the moon as the frogs and the crickets sings with their croaks and crickets. There were soft clicking noise while I stare at the bright screen right in front of me. I was working on the research about animal Kingdom for my Biology project. The clicking noise gets faster while I was writing the second chapter about the theory about Aves and Mammalian. The teacher said it's alright to use the research with a method of 'Library research' instead of taking subjects since it's impossible to take any animals because my parents forbid pets.

I want to ask myself this question....why world are so cruel. I just want one simple kitten or puppy but my parents decide to against any pets in household since Jae-joon allergic to fur and dust. Jae-joon actually just like me too, we love cute animals but when he touch any kind of furry animal like dog or cats...well, he will have a sneezing fits, red eyes and an itch with red bumps on his arms. So, when he want to pet one...he would literally cover his face with mask, glasses and face shield like nurses or doctors in the hospital. After that, he will quickly wash his hands. It's really sad that you cannot enjoy thinks you like because your allergy.

After I was done with second chapter in the research. I saved the files and shut down the computer, hoping that I save all the needed files because I JUST WROTE DAMN 25 PAGES JUST FOR CHAPTER 2 I'm swear I'm having an inner demon screech for a whole day with only resting two times for eating and taking a dump. Yes, I did say that and to be frank, I don't give any crap since I'm tired as hell. My eyes draft into the bed, I swear the bed looks like seducing me to sleep forever and you know what? I just flop to the bed and the vision turns black.






At the next day, I was sitting alone and my classmate a.k.a Elizavetha not in the class because she got sick. If you think I'm just gonna text her get well soon then you are dead wrong. Since she is my most sweet, crazy crackhead, and wisest best friend in the world, she got a delivery of small pizza from me. My text literally got spammed with heart emojis from her. While I was texting Liz, there was a knock from the door and I look up to see a pair of violet eyes staring at me and there's a cute small puffin bird attached his shoulder.

" Hæ, Ástin mín ( Hi, my love)." He walks up to me.

"Hey Emil. Is there anything you need," I ask.

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