The beginning(Foes and Woes)

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Dan wiped his mouth of the blood; that was the best he'd ever had.

Thomas groaned as he dislodged himself from the wall.
"I'll kill you, " he gritted out as he walked unsteadily towards Dan.

Dan's hand dropped to his side and a dark, smoke-like aura emanated from his body. He stood.

Thomas, filled with wrath rushed towards Dan fully intent on murdering him. Dan's head was lowered and he was facing away from him.

Thomas aimed the spears at him but all three of them turned to ash before they even reached him.

Thomas seethed with unrestrained wrath.

Dan only raised his hand in his direction not even looking and Thomas burst into flames.

"Inferno, " he whispered.

In mere seconds, Thomas reduced to a melted, boiling mass of flesh.

Dan raised his head and his eyes had seals on them, they were like symbols inscribed into his yellow eyes that now glowed brighter than any gold.

Lucifer spoke from his throne.
"My son."

Dan looked up.

"I knew you would not disappoint me a second time and you devoured the girl as you should have."

"Your human half has always been a chore to deal with, as your conception was."

"I knew your mother, your birth mother anyway, she was human. I'd chosen her to bring forth my offspring into this world and that child was you, Dan."

"She died while giving birth to you, so you see Dan you were always mine, I own you, I created you and my very essence lives inside of you."

"Your blood is your greatest enemy because it does not belong to you."

"The seal was merely a poorly thought out gamble I placed over your heart since that heart is more or less my greatest enemy because it gave you the power to choose, to choose between me and the other guy." Lucifer pointed a clawed finger up.

"It seemed you'd chosen Peace but just as you've chosen, you can choose not to, so you'd dumped Peace and had picked up Sin. Just like your old man once did."

"I had chosen you long before you were born, this has been your destiny; to lay waste to these humans. Killing the woman you love, the person you loved the most has made the transformation complete."

"Although I'll have to admit seeing you in pain thinking she was dead was very appetising because you'd disobeyed me. Now that you've obeyed, my anger towards you has been satiated."

Lucifer turned his red coal eyes to the melted blob of flesh on the floor that had once been Thomas.

"Thomas had been one of my most loyal servants, but being sacrificed for the cause was his greatest honour. I'll have many more loyal subjects."

"I guess that should be payment enough considering I did allow him to do as he pleased with your girlfriend."

"Most of his deep-seated hatred for you was transferred to her so I can only imagine what despicable things he did to and with her."

A grin spread on Lucifer's lips.

"It is time to lead the army and lay waste to this despicable filths."

Dan got on one knee and bowed.
"Yes, father."

Lucifer grinned and disappeared from the throne room with a satisfying growl.

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