
69 10 14

*This chapter is dedicated to wanjalaj. Thanks dear, for all your support.*

Dan's hands tightened on the steering wheel as they drove on. He had to get to Philip, he had to.

He didn't want to lose any more people, he was tired of people dying around him, he was so tired.

Dan gritted his teeth.

He had to make it in time.

"Dan, where are we going?"

For some reason, Dan couldn't hear her, he couldn't hear anything; not the sound of a few cars they passed by or the sound of the clubs booming in the distance.

Dan's focus on the road started to wane; his eyes started drooping.

He could hear a voice faintly calling his name but it sounded like it was coming from a distant place, too faint.



The car swerved hard to the right hitting another car full speed. The sound of blaring horn reached Dan's ears.
"Dan, snap out of it!"
He felt a sharp sting on his cheek and he turned to his right.

Rebecca watched him with panicked eyes breathing heavily.
He was looking at her but it was as if he wasn't seeing her.

They were surrounded by blaring horns on every side. There'd been an accident. Dan's eyes widened as he stared at the casualties around them. Two cars were upturned and a car was blocking their way.

Rebecca held his shoulder and then placed a hand on his cheek.

"Dan?" Her eyes were frantic.

"Snap out of it, please."

Dan looked into her ice-blue eyes and all he could see was the panic in them.

Rebecca's brows furrowed in concern.
'What's happening to him?'



"You have to focus."

Blaring horns rang in the air and he turned from her and stared at the disaster around them.

Dan pulled back and manoeuvred his way around the clumped cars and the farther they got, the fainter the sound of the police cars and ambulances that had arrived got swallowed in the background.

Dan sighed.

Rebecca's eyes lowered to his hands-they were trembling.

"Dan, please pull over."


"Please do it."
Dan turned to her and the look on her face gave no room for any objections.

Dan pulled over by the side of the road. He turned to her.

"I'll drive." She unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car before he could protest.
In a second, she was by his side.

Dan closed his eyes and sighed. He got out of the car and turned to her.
"I don't know what's going on with you Dan, but you have to get it together, or you'll get us both killed."

His eyes lowered.
"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I dragged you into this."

"No, you didn't! And stop apologising!"

"I came with you because I wanted to; because I lo-"

Rebecca paused, eyes wide.
'What the...?'

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