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Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the headquarters of Derorion Publishing Company.

It was massive, standing at about fifty stories.

"Wow, " Dan muttered under his breath.

"Come on, " Rebecca said and they both got out of the car. Rebecca gave the valet the keys and hooked her arm around Dan's and made their way into the building.

The air con met Dan's skin full force.

The receptionist greeted them both as they walked in but Dan had caught the surprise in her eyes.

Dan closed his eyes and sighed.

He hoped he would be able to go back to the Sentinels soon.

The workers there all stared as they walked by and Dan felt uneasy under their prodding gazes.

They both got into the elevator exclusively for the Publisher and made their way up-the top floor, where her office was.

Dan removed her arm around his.
"Rebecca, could you stop this?"

She turned to him wide eyed, like a kid who'd just been given a basket-load of candy.

"You just said my name!"
She grinned and Dan almost got blinded by her smile.

Dan shook his head and frowned.
'She was a handful.'

Soon enough, they both heard a ding signalling their arrival at the top floor. Only a few of the top staff were there, including the Editor in Chief and the Editors.

"Good morning Miss Williams."

"How are you this fine morning?"

They heard greetings left and right but barely had enough time to reply every single one of them.
Rebecca held his hand which earned gasps of excitement from the workers-mostly the ladies and led them faster through the worker's aisle straight to her enormous office.

She opened the door and they got in. Rebecca pressed a button by her desk and all the blinds fell on the windows and the lights turned on.

The flat-screen TV on the wall turned on and she sat on her desk.

Dan just stood there not knowing what to do.

He faced her.
"Now that you've made such an entrance, what do you want to do?"

Rebecca stood from her desk and walked towards him.

Dan's heart raced as she got nearer.

'Why had he agreed to come again?'

'That's right, he hadn't had much of a choice.'

"Oh, Dan, I have a lot of ideas, " she said when she was right in front of him.
Dan noticed the new softness to her voice.

She placed a hand on his chest. She looked up and smirked at him.
"You're heart, it's racing. Are you that affected by me?" She said with a wicked smile.

She dropped her hand to her side and went back to her desk.
"I wonder if you and my late sister ever..."
Rebecca paused and looked at him.

He hadn't moved from where she left him.
"Of course you did, even though Lily was a prude, she wouldn't have been able to resist you." Rebecca grinned.

"Or was it the other way around?"

"I don't really care, " she stated.

Dan remained silent.

She walked slowly towards him. Dan followed her movements, he noticed something was slightly different about her.

"It must not be easy for you, staring at me. I see it all in your eyes, you're so easy to read Dan, " she said.

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