Down Below

97 12 7

~Anyone ever told you not to trust the devil? Nothing good will ever come from it.~

Dan went upstairs and laid on his bed. He stared at the ceiling absentmindedly. Why did he feel so empty?

He rolled on his side and curled in on himself. It would soon be midnight.

"Daniel." Dan whispered. He rubbed his chest.

It hurt.

"I think I'm losing my mind."

"Why don't you have a glass of bourbon? That always seem to cheer you up, " the demon said.

"Or a glass of water, " his angel replied.

Dan faced his bed and buried his head under his pillow.

'Why can't I have peace of mind?'

"Can you please leave me alone?"

"You're obviously in distress, " his angel said.

"And rightly so, I'm meeting with my father, " Dan grumbled.

"He's not your father, " the angel said.

"Such blasphemy!" the grotesque-looking demon squealed.

"How dare you?!"

Dan groaned, he could feel an headache brewing.

'A million curses.'

He let out a breath.
Dan laid on his back and stared into space.

"I'm so lonely, " Dan whispered.

"You have us sire to keep you company, " the demon said with glee.

Dan squinted at it. 'Seriously?'

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"How sure am I you're both not just figments of my imagination?" He said to no one in particular.

No responses.


They were his new obsession. He was a dark rose.

Beautiful yet...dying, wilting away.

It was time. He could feel it, the monster in him roused excitedly.

He closed his eyes. The clock struck twelve midnight somewhere in the house and he sucked in a deep breath.

A moment passed. He could already smell the sulphur in the air.

Dan opened his eyes and instead of the flames and grotesque-looking demons he'd always seen, he saw a very long table.

Although, fire still burnt in the background and the atmosphere was painted in an orange hue but the fire didn't burn near.


Dan gritted his teeth, there it was, the pain in his chest again.

'Why was he suddenly calling him by his name?'

It'd always been, 'my son' or whatever.

"Join us, " the biggest demon which sat at the end of the table said. But surprisingly, he was in his human form tonight.

He looked very handsome.

'Pssh, could have fooled me.'

At the table, there were a total of fourteen 'personalities' seated, all from the various realms.

Daniel sat at the table.

"Glad you could make it Dan." A beautiful looking woman stated from across him, she was also spotting her human look tonight.

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