A dark rose

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Dan watched her from afar, the wind blowing his midnight hair against his face.

He was wearing a black coat, black hat, hands in pocket.

His heart clenched as he heard her soft laughter from the other side of the road.

She was at the bookshop...with Philip.

They were both laughing together and Dan's heart raced even more.

It's been almost six months...

Six months since that night.

He'd missed her, he'd missed them both but he knew that life was over. The life of peace he had.

Everything was over...at least for him.

Leaving was for the best, it was either that or risk losing her. But he would die first before he allowed even a hair on her head go out of place.

He turned away, closing his eyes.

When he opened them, they were a startling yellow and he was standing in front of the gate of an old mansion.

The door opened to him and he let himself in.

The mansion stood hauntingly in the surrounding forest, dark clouds looming overhead.

It was a place for the damned-like himself.

He put off his coat and hat and hanged it on the rack.

He let out a sigh and sat in the cushioned chair.

He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Lily, " he breathed.

A tear escaped his lid.

He was lonely. When he'd combusted and turned into that despicable creature and had passed out, he'd found himself in the mansion-completely human, with fresh clothes and beddings.

But some things hadn't remained the same.

His chestnut hair had turned midnight black and his hazel eyes...they'd turned an abominable yellow.

The Sentinels had brought him there.
Apparently, they were more real than he'd thought. Manifesting in the physical world and having substance.

He hadn't eaten for days, tried starving himself-it was better than living with that thing inside of him.

But even that hadn't worked.

But he guessed it was for the best, Lily would be safe.

'She would be safe...'

The hunger never subsided, in fact daily, the hunger increased.

It felt like there was a void inside of him, and no matter how much he ate, the hunger never left.

It was a miserable life.

The only person capable of satiating his hunger was the person he needed to be the farthest away from.

He missed her...so much.

Her warm smiles, her soft forest-green eyes.

She was such a beauty to behold, an enigma.

He didn't know why she'd stayed with him-with all his problems.

Now she knew everything, and him regaining all his memories had been torture.

He'd remembered every. single. detail.

How brutally he'd murdered his family; his father, mother and younger sister.

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