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~With flames of fire I make my descent, making the skin of all that watch crawl. And all that'll be left in the carnage will be residues of dying breaths.~

By the time Dan got back from the Park, it was already night time.

When he entered the house, he was greeted by the butler, he thinks his name was Frederick.

Dan greeted him back. He went straight to his room and locked the door behind him.

It had been quite a stressful day.

He plopped on the bed and sighed. He needed to take a shower and maybe do his laundry, but it was already late.

He was too stressed.

He grudgingly stood and took off his clothes and went into the shower. He sighed, he needed a hot bath.

He sighed as the hot water cascaded down his tensed body. He allowed the soft patter to wash away his stress.

Moments later, he got out with a towel wrapped around him and put his dirty clothes in a small basket he'd seen in the room.

Dan dried himself and wore clean clothes after which he took his laundry and went downstairs. He located the butler and asked him where the laundry room was.

Frederick insisted he bring it informing him his laundry would be taken care of by the housekeeper.

Dan didn't like that.

He asked the clean-cut looking man to show him the laundry room anyway.

He did and Dan thanked him.

He made his way there and in a few minutes, his clothes were already halfway done.

He sat on a table probably meant for laundered clothes and waited.

A knock came from the door and Dan turned to the entrance. His face remained passive when he saw who it was. He turned his head and waited for the timer.

Rebecca stared at him and she felt a little embarrassed, talk about liking someone and them not even sparing you a side glance.

She sighed. She wanted to apologise.

'But for what?'

'For liking him?'


"You can give me the cold shoulder all you want muffin, but as long as you're here, we'll keep bumping into each other, " she said.

Dan didn't even respond.

The timer went off and he did the rest of the laundry in record time. In a few minutes, his clothes were ready, he hanged them and walked out of the room, passing by Rebecca.

Her eyes widened.

'Did he just...ignore me?'

"You little shit!"

Rebecca stormed after him.

"Did you just ignore me?! Come back here! Do you know who I am?!"

Rebecca stared at his back and her eyes widened when he paused.

He turned slightly to her.

"You're very loud, could you please tone it down a notch?" he said quietly and climbed the stairs.

Virtual steams flew out her ears.


She went after him.


Dan paused by stairs and faced Rebecca.

"Snowflake?" He asked quietly.

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