Inner Peace

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Dan opened his eyes groggily.

"Ugh." Dan held his head as a savage headache ravaged his scull.

What in the hell?

Everything was blurry.

"Hey, man, are you okay?"

Dan could barely hear the person speaking as his mind and body were still reeling from the aftereffects.

Golden demonic eyes with seals flashed in his head accompanied by weird, almost unreal images.

He'd been...dreaming?

Dan straightened and he hit his feet against the counter.


"Here you go, dude."

Philip handed him his glasses.

He took them and wore them and the world around him began to take shape.

"Thanks, " he said quietly.

Dan sat on his chair and just stared out into space.

Different images kept flooding his head, images of demons and angels, beings that called themselves sentinels.

There was one of him killing his coworker in cold blood...Philip.

Dan looked up at him, he looked just like he remembered, his hair seemed a little longer than it did in the dream though.

What kind of dream was that?

"Hey, Philip."

Philip raised an eyebrow at his colleague. Dan was acting a little weird.

"You look like shit bro, that's why I told you not to sleep during work hours."

"I had the worst dream. I was the devil's evil spawn and I-I think I got disvirgined by some 'being'."

Philip looked at him like he was on crack.

"Have you been smoking?"

Dan's eyes widened and then he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Dan averted his eyes.

"That's beside the point."

Philip smirked.

"Of course it is, you having wet dreams while on duty. Gosh, even I wouldn't go that far."

Dan sighed, exasperated.

"Will you just listen?"

"I was all-powerful, I was like a god," Dan's eyes were wide with awe as he replayed the dream in his head.

"I was supposed to choose between four beings."

"Beings?" Philip decided to humour his friend.

"Yeah, I was supposed to choose between Anger, Peace, Royalty and Sin."

"So, which did you choose?"

Dan opened his mouth to speak but then he paused.

"I...I chose Sin."

"Woah, way to go Dan, my man, and then you banged her right?"

"Shut up, that's —"

He'd made the wrong choice, he'd chosen Sin and his life had completely been ripped away from him.

Dan's eyes were wide.

"I killed a lot of people, " Dan whispered.

Auburn hair with forest green eyes flashed in his head.

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