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Dan couldn't stop staring at her, she looked so much like Lily, it was unsettling.

Rebecca led them to Shadyside neighbourhood. Apparently, it was a luxury residential real estate.

They rode in her Mercedes Benz. They drove into a secluded area where there were only a few houses.

The huge metal gates opened up to them and they drove in. The driveway was impossibly long and led to a modern-day mansion standing dauntingly in all its finesse.

They got out of the car and made their way to the door.

Rebecca opened the door. She looked at him and gestured with her head.

"Come on in, or do you want to freeze outside?"

Dan hesitated.

'Why did he come again?'

He was nervous-very nervous.

He followed her in.

"Come." She led him to the kitchen.

"Have a seat."

Dan sat down by the island.

He realised how little he knew about Lily-her family. His brows furrowed in thought.

She gave him a glass of orange juice.

"I'm okay, " Dan said quietly.

She smirked at him and sat opposite him, resting her chin on her hands.

"You're pretty uptight, " she said.

Dan didn't say anything.

The house was beautiful, being inside the house where Lily grew up gave him a kind of nostalgic feeling.

He heard Rebecca make a coughing sound.

Dan looked at her.

She was smiling.

"You're thinking about her aren't you? " She stated quietly.

He didn't say anything.

"I can tell, " she said before taking a sip out of her orange juice.

Dan looked down at the glass in front of him and then looked back at her.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here other than you." Dan pointed out.

Dan watched her pause mid-drink and place her cup down.
She looked at him strangely.

She smiled sweetly at him-too sweetly.

"It's just me and dad, " she said.

"Master, what are you doing with this human?" Dan heard the demon say.

Dan closed his eyes, slightly annoyed.

'Quiet.' He ordered.

"So Dan, tell me how you guys first met."

"I think I should get going, seeing how there's no one else here, " he said quietly.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

He had to get back to the mansion, he couldn't afford to waste too much time, he knew the Sentinels would be waiting.

"I've often wondered what my sister was up to back in New York."

He heard her say.

Dan's hand paused over the handle.
Rebecca eyed him from head to toe and she smirked.

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