The Sentinels

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Royalty and Peace raced towards the dragon. They needed to confront Sin and Anger.

Sin, haven spotted them smirked and leapt off of the dragon and raced towards Peace.

Peace's sword and Sin's sword clashed mid-air.

She grinned at Peace, his face was impassive.

"See what you've done to the young one; he should never have chosen you, " he said.

Their weapons detached and Sin gave Peace a powerful kick to the stomach sending him flying.

A few metres away, Royalty fought with Anger who was still in his dragon form.

Anger breathe a mirage of hot flames at Royalty but Royalty easily dodged it.

Anger turned around and whipped Royalty with his tail sending him straight down with such great force.

One of the angels guarding the walls still in a heated fight caught Royalty in one hand and used the other to block an attack from the demon he was battling. The sound of their weapons clashing rang through the air along with the others fighting around them.

Anger rushed towards Royalty transforming back into his humanoid self. Royalty flew up and met him mid-air, their swords clashing.

Anger was using two swords and he pressed against Royalty trying to overpower him.
"You have no place here, " Royalty said staring passively at Anger.

"You chose the dark side by following Sin."

Royalty grabbed Anger by the neck.
"You have caused the fall of many kings and prophets, ended several lives, yet you still seek to thrive in the boy's life."

"You cannot stay."

Anger smiled.

Royalty raised his sword to strike.

"He needs me, " Anger said.

"And yet he didn't choose you."

Anger scoffed.
"He didn't choose you either...or Peace."

"He did choose Peace, but his heart is sick."

"You and Sin forced him." Royalty gritted his teeth.

"Careful, I might force you too, " Anger grinned.

Royalty's hand tightened on his sword, he needed to be careful, he couldn't let Anger get the better of him.

"You have no power over me."
Royalty pierced Anger right through the throat.

Royalty released Anger and he disintegrated into nothing.

Royalty looked up, Peace and Sin were still in a heated fight.


"Philip!" Rebecca called frantically.

Philip turned to her at the sound of her distressed voice.

He left the Captain's side and made his way towards her.

He held her shoulders and checked her for any injuries.
"Are you hurt?"
His eyes were wide with worry.

She could see it clearly in those blue orbs. And she knew why...the wall is still being attacked relentlessly.

"I'm fine, " Rebecca said quietly.

Philip hugged her.

Rebecca's eyes widened. Once the shock was gone, she hugged him back.

All of a sudden, Rebecca felt exhausted, and could barely stand straight.

The Sinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن