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*Note: Chapter contains some dark scenes, readers' discretion is advised.*

Rebecca wrapped a towel around her wet hair as she walked out of the bathroom humming a gospel song under her breath.

She was hungry and she smelt something delicious coming from the kitchen. Yeah, she and Phil actually shared the kitchen but had separate rooms and bathrooms.

She dried her hair with an hand drier. After she was sorta satisfied with the dryness, she applied some lotion on her skin and wore comfortable clothes.

She made her way out of the room and proceeded to the kitchen a little bit down their hall.

She smiled and licked her lip, she was right, it was eggs and bacon!

She quickened her steps and went to the island where she saw Philip cooking away.

"Good morning, " Rebecca greeted as she sat down by the island.

Philip turned to her, an apron around his neck.
"Hey, good morning." He greeted with a smile.

"Did you sleep well?" He turned back to the egg he was still frying.

"Um, not really, I couldn't sleep."

Philip paused a little and turned slightly to her.

He noticed her eyes were sad...and he probably knew why.

He turned back to the eggs and turned off the stove. He served their food and gave Rebecca her plate.

He removed the frying gloves he wore and hanged the apron.

Rebecca watched him, his hair was still a little bit wet and his eyes, his eyes were a little tired.

Rebecca quickly looked away as he joined her on the kitchen island. They sat opposite one another.

A moment passed with neither of them saying anything, only the sound if Philip's fork against the plate could be heard.

Rebecca hadn't even touched her food and Philip noticed.

"What's wrong?" He dropped his fork and knife.

Rebecca looked at him surprised.
"Oh, it's nothing, "

Philip knew she wasn't telling him the truth but he decided he wouldn't pry and she would tell him whenever she felt like she could.

"You don't like eggs and bacon?"

Rebecca's eyes widened.
"O-Of course I do."

Philip smiled a little.

"I could cook you something else, but I don't really want to cause I'm tired." He chuckled a little and Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle too.

Silence reigned between them again. Rebecca wanted to ask a question but she didn't know what Phil's response would be.

"You knew Lily, right?"

Philip's paused and he looked at her the surprise written all over his face.


"What was my sister like to you?"

Philip's brows furrowed in thought.
"She was the icing on a vanilla cake that just sorts of soothes you in, that was how her presence felt."

"You liked her, didn't you?"

Philip's eyes widened before averting his eyes.

"Just a little. I couldn't exactly tell Dan that."

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