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Forest surrounded the mansion they were in, it had been built by one of Master's loyal subjects in the 1800s and ever since, it'd become a hideout they'd used frequently.

It was an old Victorian mansion with a very large driveway, as the owner had been British. Statues of gargoyles and the frighteningly large water fountain gave the house a very foreboding look.

Thomas Goldstein, one of the cardinals of the Catholic Church at Vatican City was the youngest Cardinal in the history of the Catholic Church.

As a cardinal, he was one of the people who assigned the new Pope and by his great influence; bestowed upon him by his master Lucifer, he was able to make sure the current Pope was elected-Pope Franklin.

He might have been elected Pope but Thomas was the one who really ruled things.

The last meeting with the fourteen princes of Lucifer at the Vatican had been pretty successful.

Thomas removed his regalia which restricted him so much he wanted to curse out loud; which he did.

He was in his private luxurious room on the south wing of the house. He sat on his equally luxurious bed and threw the zucchetto on his head on the bed. He ruffled up his midnight hair and then removed his contact lenses revealing a set of unsettling golden eyes; eyes he'd used to seduce a lot of women and men into his bed.

He laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He may look only thirty-five but he was millenniums old. He was far from being human anyway. Living among the humans for so long had made him used to their way of living so he'd easily learnt their weaknesses.

Humans were so fickle and feeble-minded. They were weak against certain things; Sin for example. Humans loved sin, their flesh craved it like the basal instinct of animals to mate.

Even though a lot of people didn't know it, Sex was one of the major things Lucifer uses to chain humans. Through it, he binds them with fetters of iron and places an evil yoke on them. Demons of fornication and all sorts of sexual pervasion were the worst and one of the hardest to break free from.

They weren't so hard to pinpoint because they gave off terrible pungent odours.

Thomas grinned. It was fun to watch seeing these humans battle their needs to have sex. Even in the church, it was the worst.

Lucifer was able to get to the church because of some of the Christians' wrong perception. They hide under the guise of perfection and the fact that they were now 'Christians' and therefore could 'not sin'.

Thomas turned slightly to the young girl in his bed; she was naked. He'd enjoyed every bit of her. He saw the cross around her neck and he rolled his eyes.

Just the day before, when he'd been praying with her, she'd claimed absolute devotion to her saviour but she'd ended in his bed. He could still remember how soft her body had felt, how his hand had tainted her innocent body. He hadn't cared if she was only just reaching adulthood.

It's a pity though, well not really since he was still going to eat her.

His mind wandered to the piece of shit in the basement.


Thomas sat up.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

The damn tyrant! He didn't know why the Master had taken a liking to him but he was jealous, he'd been jealous of Dan since the day his Master had told him he'd been planning on having another seed.

A seed that would do all his bidding, a seed that would have undying loyalty to him.

He'd hated it.

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