The Olive Trees

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*One night ago...*

Rebecca ran through the night in the darkest forest she had ever seen. She was bare-footed and the eeriness suffocated her.

Her auburn hair got into her terrified eyes as she tried to escape from what chased her persistently.

The trees she passed by formed grotesque shapes which made her heart almost give out in her chest.

Her feet were bleeding but she couldn't stop, she knew what it meant if she did...instant death.

She heard the loud unearthly shriek ring throughout the dark forest and she could barely breathe.

Rebecca paused as she almost ran over a cliff, her eyes wide. She could see the large gulf in front of her.

She turned around; she could still hear its fast approaching gait-she was trapped.

She turned back to the cliff in front of her.

'Which would be better? Death by broken bones or being mauled to death?'

Neither sounded appealing. But time was running out and she had to choose.

She looked up and stared at the dark sky which was destitute of warmth and shivers broke through her body from the cold.

She needed to choose was now or never.

It was right behind her...she could feel it; the hair on her neck stood on ends.

Rebecca put forth one of her bleeding feet and shut her eyes tightly.


"Rebecca, wait."

She froze, her eyes wide.

Was she hearing things? That voice...

"Don't do anything stupid."
That voice...

Rebecca turned shakily, her right hand wrapped around her left arm; clothes completely tattered.

Her hand dropped as she saw him.
"D-Dan?" She whispered.

"Get away from the edge, " he told her.

"Dan?" She took a step towards him, the creature chasing her completely forgotten.

She stood in front of him and stared into his golden eyes.

Tears fell as she held his cheek.

She clutched his shirt and her head lowered.

"I hate you," she whispered.

"I hate you so much."

"Where have you been?"

She held on to his shirt tightly.

"What have you done?!"

He didn't reply her.

"You killed all those people, you've become a monster, Dan, why are you doing this?! Tell me! Why are you killing innocent women and children?!"

"What do you want me to say, Rebecca?"
His voice was quiet.

She leaned back and stared at him, shocked. His eyes were terrified her.
"Do you even feel remorse?"

"Do you?!"
She grabbed his shirt.

Rebecca's breathing was ragged and as she looked into his eyes, she knew the Dan she knew was gone, the Dan she cared about was nowhere to be found and the realisation brought with it such grief it nearly shattered her.

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